Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gary Paulin

Gary Paulin was killed on November 23, 2008 a victim of a hit & run at the intersections of Route 30 & 172 by Guilford Lake. His case is still unsolved. Please read the following article that was published shortly after his death and contact the Lisbon State Highway Patrol at 330-424-7783 if you have any information.

LISBON - A Salem man was fatally injured in a two-vehicle accident on U.S. 30 early Sunday.

Gary L. Paulin, no stated address, was driving a Chevy Tracker when he was struck head-on by an unidentified person driving a Chevy pickup at 2:05 a.m. on U.S. 30 east of state Route 172, according to the State Highway Patrol.

The person who struck Paulin reportedly fled the scene on foot. The abandoned vehicle was a red 1992 Chevy pickup. The Highway Patrol is investigating the accident and working to locate the person or people who fled.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Instead of having bci we need csi they are faster....I know this family personnaly and I pray that justice will be served.

Anonymous said...

They dont care about the killers running loose but they wanna bust all kinds of kids for insignificant amounts of marijuana, and spend are tax dollars on drug raids that usually fail.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've known this family for ever. And I can understand why everyone is still so upset. Gary was a great guy & friend. We just have to wait and make sure that the police have a very strong case,& they cross all thier T'S & dot all Thiers I's so the person driving the truck won't get a mistrial or anything thing else. He has to live with himself & one day he will have to answer for what he did. And I'm sure that when he meets his make it will be alot worse then anything we could have done here on Earth.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Gary!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Gary.

Anonymous said...

it is a sad condition of law enforcement in columbiana county. there priorities are not straight and there investigating techniques are primitive. and quite a few of you "law enforcement officers" are involved in criminal doings themselves. i know this as i used to have a criminal hand in the county when i lived there. (granted nothing ever as severe as murder) it is sad that this case may never be resolved, due to the incompetence of the local police and BCII. i knew gary as well, and this is a tragic story...

Anonymous said...

Do you realize that if Jeff House's estranged wife had never let him use her truck, this accident may never have happen. I don't believe that the truck was stolen, but even if it was, if she hadn't let him use the truck neither of these events would have taken place.

Anonymous said...

the vehicle that hit and killed Mr. Paulin was a 1992 Ford F-150. Chevy never made F-150

Anonymous said...

To think that jeff house can still go to the bar and drink and drive? He now drives through gavers to get home. Does he have a problem driving down route 30? He has lied many times!! How can he live with himself??? He is sleeping with his own relative. Does she not know what he did? How can he be trusted?

Anonymous said...

You would think that after all this time, someone would come forward and talk. Since we all know that Jeff House is guilty as sin, why can't they find something againist him so he can pay for what he did.
I'll bet Jeff House doesn't even give a second thought to what he did. If he had a heart and a thought in his head or feel any remorse at all, he would come forward and confess. We all know that is not going to happen.

John said...

I hope they give justice to his death. He's a good guy and they shouldn't hold the case up.

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motorcycle accident attorney los angeles said...

I hope they find the one who shot Gary. He was a great guy.

personal injury attorney said...

Are there any updates regarding the case? I hope they catch the ones who killed Gary.

personal injury attorney los angeles said...

This should be pursued and the suspect be convicted.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that Gary's been gone over 3 years. And still no closer for his family. I know how hard this time of year is for them. My GOD be with them this Christmas & New Year. And God willing with this new year The Paulin famiy will get the closer they deserve.

motorcycle accident attorney los angeles said...

I hope you update us with more.
May his soul rest in peace. Lot of people are sad about what happened to him.

Anonymous said...

Government should do a step or plan to solve this matter. I guess this is one of the big problem on the road globally.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Los Angeles

Shakira said...

I feel sorry to this person, but we need to accept the fact that we come and go in this world. But I know this things could be prevented if we have a self-discipline and following the laws on the road.

Wites & Kapetan

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to look into phone records. If its true that mr house was picked up by mr Stacey how did he know where to pick him up at unless he too saw the accident or was called by mr house to pick him up. Plus mr house's family members need to be questioned. What time was the truck reported stolen and the estimate time of accident and the time mr house got home.

Anonymous said...

Houses family members need to take lie detector tests. He has told someone and that someone has to be blood related. Get him drunk and ask him what happened.

Anonymous said...

My father was arrested this weekend for the death or Gary Paulin. It will go to trial soon. Please remember that Jeff has some decent family as well. 4 children who are also being drug through the dust 4 years later. I agree there should be justice if he committed the crime, but none of us were there nor do any of us know what happened for sure. Is it possible? Of course. But please let it run its course without us having to listen to this constantly. In no way am I defending him and I absolutely do not take the death of Gary Paulin lightly, I am sorry for your loss. But none of us know the truth. He has never confessed a single thing to us and we would all pass a lie detector test with flying colors.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr Anonymous up there, is one person writing the same shit over and over!! Sounds like he's the guilty one and he wants everyone to think it was Jeff House!! I think you should be questioned thoroughly, because you sure know a lot about Jeff House. I also think, if your not the one who actually did it, should have questioned Jeff House yourself, cause obviously you have spent A LOT of time spying on Jeff House!! I think Jeff House is innocent and you, Mr Anonymous, are the guilty one!!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!! They finally arrested Jeff House. Maybe there will be justice for Gary after all.

I knew Gary and loved him very much years ago. Even though our relationship ended, my love and concern for him has never stopped. He deserved so much better than this. He was a warm, wonderful, fun-loving guy. It's so hard to believe it's been nearly 4 years since he's been gone.

I hope Jeff House gets every bit of punishment that the law allows and I hope that horrible night haunts him for the rest of his miserable life.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the news!! I know that this is very hard on the House Family as well. We should all think about them and what they are going to go though over the next few months. Not, all of them knew what has happened. So please respect them as well. Jeff will pay the price, which he should, after he has his day in court. As a very close friend & family memeber of the Paulins, I for one am very glad thst the the time has come for closer for them. Gary was a great guy, full of zest & a love for life, which was cut way to short.I know this is a very joyoues time for them right now. Prays & Love is sent out to Barb, Peggy, Judy, Patty & Donnie.God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, NO ONE knows what really happened except the guilty party and the deceased. I am very sorry for the loss of this man. No one has been proven guilty of this crime. People are so quick to assume and judge. You all need to realize that Jeff is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The victims family lost a loved one. Now the house family is losing a loved one. What if an innocent man is being held for a crime he truely didnt commit. Where is the justice in that. Why should the House family have to loose a loved one just because the county desperately wants someone to be held accountable for this aweful situation. Please try to remember that Jeff is a person too. He has NOT been convicted by a jury. And he also has a family that is suffering greatly.

Anonymous said...

I want to thank the above person for what they wrote. You are right. Both families are going to lose or already have lost a loved one. Jeff House has not been convicted of any crime as of yet. He still has his day in court yet to come. And his family should not be held accountable because of his actions. They deserve respect as well. Think about his children and how they must feel.I believe not matter what the truth is known by GOD,and peace needs to be make with him as well.So, please let's just let the courts sort this mess out for both the House Family & the Paulin Family. Let justice be served.

Anonymous said...

I want to thank the above person for what they wrote. You are right. Both families are going to lose or already have lost a loved one. Jeff House has not been convicted of any crime as of yet. He still has his day in court yet to come. And his family should not be held accountable because of his actions. They deserve respect as well. Think about his children and how they must feel.I believe not matter what the truth is known by GOD,and peace needs to be make with him as well.So, please let's just let the courts sort this mess out for both the House Family & the Paulin Family. Let justice be served.

Anonymous said...

If Jeff is found innocent, a lot of people are going to be eating their nasty words. And I hope they taste wonderful. Or you choke on them. Whichever option suits me. No one knows the truth, you have no personal knowledge that it was him, only heresay and a lot of possible evidence. Just leave the judgement to the courts and hopefully the proper judgement is served. Whether he is found innocent or guilty.

Anonymous said...

grSome of you people are so judgemental. You know nothing about Jeff House. Whatever you think you know is hearsay anyway. PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES. Who made you the judge or the jury. You will all eat your words when they find him innocent.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see some of the new comments above!! Thank you for not judging my brother!! Let God & the court system do that!! I don't know if he did it or not, but my heart says he didn't & couldn't have done this!! And as far as his kids are concerned, leave them alone!! They have done nothing and don't know anything!! I didn't know Mr Paulin, but I know he must have been a good man from all I've heard and read. And I'm truly sorry that this has happened to him.

Anonymous said...

IF he's guilty??? And IF he's not guilty, I hope all you haters appologize for all the hate you have spewed on here!! From the sounds of this post and most of the others, he doesn't stand a chance of a fair trial on Columbiana County!!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you leave the House family alone!! They have done nothing!! His kids have been through enough!! So piss off!!

Hallie said...

I am glad to see that there are people willing to state the obvious. Nobody on here knows what happened that night. I been involved since it began and sat through all of the questions and answered them all truthfully. I have even asked my own questions not only to law enforcement but to jeff and there has never been anyone tell me there was any evidence that he did it other than the truck . He has sworn to me over & over that he didn't do it . He has NEVER confessed to anyone &, has said he would take lie detector test . So let us pray that none of u ever have a vehicle stolen and have to go through any of this . His children especially are suffering with thr things being said and I would like to add anonymously on here. Why don't you put your name on your post if your so sure you are right ? When it is proven that he didn't do it then you can b upset that they wasted nearly 4 years chasing the wrong person . Where will the justice be for Gary then ? I was friends with gary and much of his family and this was and is horrible . This kind of thing should never happen to anyne but I would b willing to bet if some of you with the terrible things to say about jeff would put your name on your posts we would see that you are more of all the things you accuse than he is . I have been a bartender in this town so many times and places I know I have seen you stumble out to a car. So like I read above "those who live in glass houses ". I had planned on writing some really rude things to you people that post so negative and all knowing but I am above that. The.truth will come out in the endand maybe you will have to face him, his.family, or his children one day knowing what you have said here . I only hope they might know it was you then too . I put my name on here because I am not afraid of anyone knowing what I think. Not like some of you with big mouths & little courage. This is Hallie and Shawna I know that earlier post about your dad was you. Good job girl. Your youngest brother would be glad to read that. But I have tried to shelter him from some of this ignorance because he isn't doing so well with it. If you want to talk to him I think mark or your dad or even rodney have his number. Keep your head up honey and don't let the ignorance of some people get you down

Anonymous said...

you people want to tare jeff down but know one knows Gary blood achohol level was three times the legal limit that night. I know where he was drinking that night.maybe he shouldn't have been out driving drunk and this wouldn't of happened in the first place

Anonymous said...

THIS IS FROM GARY'S FAMILY. ACCORDING TO HIS AUTOPSY, GARY'S BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVEL WAS 0. We have a copy of it to prove it. So do us a favor and get YOUR facts straight before you say anything else!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hallie!! And I agree with all you said!!! BTW. This in Dindy, not afraid to say my name either but couldn't change anonymous on my phone!! Glad to see so many people standing behind Jeff!!

Anonymous said...

your exactly right, people should have their facts straight before you start running your mouth about other people

Anonymous said...

My concern is that this country and the Paulin family are more concerned with SOMEONE taking responsibility for what happened, then the GUILTY person taking responsibility for what happened. Its wonderful to see the positive feedback about Jeff. He needs to know that we are all standing strong behind him. No matter what the outcome. Because that's what family does.
George & Heather

Anonymous said...

I am related to Jeff House by marriage and I feel very very bad for the Paulin family for their loss. I can't imagine what they are going through, I know it would be very hard for me. BUT slandering his family and children is not right at all, I think it is so wrong to do that so please take in consideration of the House family also they are hurting as well.I know there is allot of anger and bitterness but the man is innocent to proven guilty..and if we were offered a lie detectors test we would take it for sure because nothing was ever admitted to us by jeff he says he didn't do it. Again sincere sorry's go out to Gary Paulin..God Bless

Anonymous said...

Yes this is Shawna, Jeff's oldest kid. I posted prior, but admit I left my name off to avoid more negativity towards myself and my siblings and family. This is a very sad situation all around and the hate towards myself and youngest brother is incredibly bad. Not so much on here, but other social networking sites. I am very sorry for the family of Gary Paulin and have been on the other side of this situation as well. My cousin was killed by a young texting driver and her life was lost in a very senseless way. Her children are growing up without truly knowing how wonderful she was. So believe me when I say, I understand. But if Jeff is innocent, we are possibly losing our father to a crime he didn't commit and if he did do it, then we will have to try to have a relationship through a thick piece of glass. And if he is found innocent and goes free, he and the family will continue to receive the hate since there has to be someone to blame to cope with the death of a loved one. No matter how this turns out, he is my Dad and I will have the same amount of love for him whether he is incarcerated or not. I just pray my family and the Paulin family stay strong and get through this.

Anonymous said...

So many people posting on this site about something none of us will never know the whole truth to. I can see both sides to this as an innocent party looking in. What we need to focus on...is praying that a fair trial is given...and justice to be served. If Jeff did do it...then he deserves to pay the price. And that goes for whoever did this...whether Jeff or the next. I feel deep sympathy for both families. I knew both sides to this. My opinion has stayed out of it throughout it all...n will continue. Whoever did this...I'm sure this person has already died inside. His or her soul has began to rot away. No matter what anyone thinks...whoever did this has played he'll with themselves inside....cuz it couldn't possibly be an easy battle within. Let's try to focus on facts here...fact is...family on both parts are innocent bystanders unless given the guilty partum has made a confession. Fact is...Jeff has been arrested but is innocent until proven guilty. Fact is...someone died that night...fact is....this person can't be brought back. Fact is...none of us was there that night....fact is...at least two people know the truth about that night? Is either of them people you???....so take a few minutes...take a death breath...and say a good long prayer that no matter what comes of this....that justice will be served and that peace is brought to everyone involved and closure can be given.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because it was his truck? His prints would be there whether he was driving that night or not and if it was stolen, the thief would have wiped his prints after the accident.

Anonymous said...

The ex wife is in no way at fault. A different truck driven at the same moment would have had the same result. The blame is on whoever was driving whether it be Jeff or a car jacker.

Becky Detchon said...

Well FINALLY.... there's some closure for the Paulin family. Jeff House should be thanking God that he got off as easy as he did. Only 4 years for killing someone??? I think it's obscene. He should be spending a hell of a lot more time than that.

I have absolutely no forgiveness for this worthless piece of humanity. You're a despicable excuse of a man. I hope that horrible night plays in your mind for the rest of your miserable life. There's a lot of other things I hope happens to you while you're in prison.

Gary was a wonderful person who never deserved this injustice. He was a sweet kind person that had the best sense of humor of anyone I've ever known. You, JEFF HOUSE, took that away from everyone who cared about him.

Maybe Gary can rest in peace now that you're finally being held accountable for what you did.

Anonymous said...

Jeff House is also a caring loving person. He is loved by many and his tears should show that he has remorse. He, at the advice from his lawyer, kept the guilt and regret inside for 4 years and 8 months. He is in prison paying for his crime. Both the Paulin family and he have already served almost 5 years. Behaving this way and calling him things, when you obviously don't know him, is not a good way to honor Gary's memory. It is a very terrible tragedy, but Jeff is in prison. Can we all please just heal and move on? Grieve and remember Gary and put Jeff behind you all. When he gets out, he will still carry his regret with him, until the end of his days. He may not be suffering as you do, but trust me, he is suffering. This isn't a situation he just brushed under the rug although at the insistence of his lawyer, it wasn't admitted. Please please, just move on and let it go. We are ALL sick of this suffering. Jeff may still be alive, but he doesn't have much life left after all of this. Move on and let Gary rest in peace. EVERYONE please move past this. And when Jeff is released, continue to move past this. You have your justice even if you don't feel it's long enough. He will suffer for the rest of his life whether incarcerated or not.

Anonymous said...

I pray for both families...the Paulins for the loss if a wonderful man and the House children...thier father was found guilty but his.kids nor his.family were. They had nothing to,do with this.horrible crime and should not be made to feel like they did just because they are related to Jeff.