I was going to write something for Terry to mark the anniversary of his death, but his sister Michelle said it all and so much better than I ever could. I am reposting this entry to the blog. Michelle and Maria,(Terry's Mom) please know that Kim and I are thinking of you today. our thoughts and prayers are with you....
Terry Ballard was born September 7th, 1976. My mother delivered him prematurely in the 7th month. I am blessed that my mother and brother both survived the delivery. When asked, who do you choose to live, my mother said her unborn child.
Terry was the middle of 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. He lived in Cleveland and attended a Catholic school through elementery. He was an alter boy at St. Stephen's Church. He was only 13 years old when he lost his father, also named Terry Ballard, on Friday, April 13th, 1990 to murder.
Our mother decided to move us to New Waterford to get away from the city and crime following our father's death. The sad truth is that not even the small town could hide Terry from the black cloud that would return to haunt our family.
Terry was borderline mentally retarded, but he had a great personality, manners, big dreams and was a very hard worker.
He was so vulnerable to big plans others had made for him.
On September 21, 1995, my brother was picked up by a friend from his home on Crestview Rd in New Waterford.
He would never be seen again by his family or friends.
He had just turned 19 September 7th,
three weeks later, I was watching the news, when I saw somebody had been found dead. With the outline of a murder victim in the upper right hand corner, it was stated foul play suspected as the highly decomposed body was found at BFI, the local dump in East Palestine. I flipped the stations and seen it 2 more times. It was as if I knew.
Minutes later, my brother pulled up in front of my house. I collapsed in my doorway. Not again! Not Terry!
My mother could be quoted in saying "When my husband died, I lost a peice of my heart..When my son Terry died, it was if somebody ripped my heart out and severed a limb."
She is totally devistated to this day as well as the rest of my siblings and family.
It was later determined that Terry died from multiple stab wounds. He was identified only by a peice of tatoo that was suppose to read "Mom & Dad" in a heart.
He was buried on Friday, October 13th, 1995. (exactly 5 1/2 years after our father).
Father killed on Friday the 13th and son buried on Friday the 13th.
There are several suspects in the case. Each and every one of them Terry considered his friend.
Please show your friendship to him now and come forward with the truth.
We beg you.
Let my brother rest in peace.
Help our mother begin to heal.
Please conatct the Columbiana County Sheriff's Dept with any info. (330) 424-7255.
The empathy shown by the two of you and this organization i trully genuine because you know how it feels. Your expressions and actions are that of kindness and warmth from a caring heart. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and actions for all those who are victims!!! Love Ya!
Try talking to Nicki Parker, Ron Simpson, Shane McCowan and their friends.
These people know something. Rumors had it that drugs was involved and thats why Terry was murdered. The word on the street back then was that his so called "friends" robbed Terry and left him to die. Great friends, huh? The cops know this but refuse to do anything.
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