Today this happened for us at CCFHV.
Through the generosity of someone wanting only to be known as "A Friend Of Michael Williams" made a donation for the total amount of money needed for us to get our 501c3 non profit status. This wonderful human being donated this money in Mike's Honor. They loved him, miss him and wanted to help. This donor has been a great supporter of CCFHV and all that we do for victims since the beginning. Their obvious love for my cousin has been apparent all along and they know how much that means to me and my family and especially Mike's Mom..
Once we get our non profit status, you will see a huge increase in advertising for the victims. Michael is and will always be the reason for it all. His death started it all. And although I would gladly give up this mission for just one more day with him, I know that he is ALWAYS with me in everything that I do.
Mike is here when I get depressed and slaps me upside the back of the head and makes me get up off the couch, step out of my manic depressive state and get on with things.
Many of you did not have the honor of knowing him. Believe me when I tell you that I was honored to be his cousin and he was stolen way too soon. He was a mega -personality and touched so many lives. He is present in spirit with everything that CCFHV does and is the driving force behind it all.
Thank you "Friend of Michael Williams!" And look for us EVERYWHERE this year!
Thank you! We are VERY happy! this year will be our best EVER!!!
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