Saturday, April 24, 2010

Missing Person From Lisbon!! Please help!!

Woman seeks help in finding daughter

Review Staff Reports
POSTED: April 24, 2010

LISBON - A state Route 45 woman is asking the community for help in searching for her 20-year-old daughter, who has been missing since Sunday evening.
Linda Van Dyke said her daughter, Lindsey Van Dyke, was last seen at her sister's house in East Liverpool around 5 p.m. Sunday. She had dropped off a movie at a rental store in Calcutta 15 minutes prior.
Accompanying Lindsey Van Dyke at the time was her friend, Christopher Price, 20, of Akron. The mother said her daughter was driving Price to his pastor's house in Akron, but the pastor called and told her the two never showed up. She noted her daughter was not carrying a cell phone at the time, nor did she have an excessive amount of cash or a change of clothing.
Price was supposed to have picked up a check from a family's friend's house before he and Lindsey Van Dyke left for Akron, but Linda Van Dyke said Price never picked up the check.
Linda Van Dyke is asking anyone who has seen her daughter or Price or may have clues to their whereabouts contact her at 330-424-7446.

(I was informed yesterday on 4/26/10 that she has been found safe!)  

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