Monday, September 13, 2010

Our 2010 Balloon Launch

Our 3rd annual balloon launch was our most successful yet! Over 100 people showed up to show their support to our families..
We have had a great year so far with many changes. First and foremost is our Non Profit Status. (And hoping that any day now, we will have our 501c3 status) We are very proud to now be a Non Profit Incorporation. we have also completely changed our set up and website to be more user friendly and of course we now have a complete Board Of Directors which has been instramental in helping us with all of our fundraising ideas for next year. 
I would like to personally thank each and every one of you that attended our balloon launch. As a family member, I cannot tell you how much this means to us. It is a community problem and the members of the Columbiana County community are becoming more aware of this fact and we are so thankful for that! There are always ways that you can get involved. You can join as a member for $25 for an individual, $50 for a business, you can volunteer, put up fliers, or you can donate goods, money, or any special services that you may have. Contact me anytime at 330-424-5603 or on Facebook. (link on the right) Please enjoy the pictures from our launch and please contact me if you would like to get involved! 


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