Monday, October 13, 2008


You may have noticed that I deleted the last section that I posted here. The reason for that is that there are going to be some changes and additional sections added to the blog and I am trying to figure out the best way to do that. I have recently been asked to include victims from a few other counties on here in hopes that their families might find peace also. Or at least an outlet or at the very least know that we are trying to find out what happened to their loved ones.
It is going to be a huge undertaking but I feel strongly that we can help.

I am also going to start a section where I feature a family.(Not sure how often this will happen, but I am hopeful we will be able to do a lot of them.) I will interview them and really think it may let any one that has not been threw this realize that these victims were real people with real families that loved them.

I am always open to other suggestions as well so if you have an idea for the blog, please let me know.

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

Sounds wonderful! You're getting the exposure you need and others are asking for your help :)

That's great!