Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I do not pretend to know the hurt that Dalton's families have endured since his murder. I have met some wonderful members of his family and I have met some mean ones. We know we have been lied to and we know that things are not always as they seem. But it always comes back to Dalton. Dalton, who is dead and buried in an unmarked grave. Honestly, I can understand if you don't have the money to get a grave marker, but 9 years is a long time to let it go unmarked. Especially for a three year old little boy.
We have tried to remain unbiased in our dealings with Tiffany and J.C.'s families. We keep it as neutral as possible on the blog. A few weeks ago we put a poll question on here about how Dalton's case should be handled, and I believe we upset Tiffany and her family by doing this. Our point by doing this was to keep Dalton's case out there. Reminding the public that his case is unsolved is very important to us and we will do whatever it takes to do that. If Tiffany is innocent, than she and her family deserve closure, just as J.C. and his family do if he is innocent. And what it comes down to is the families.
She said he did it, kind of. He says nothing at all. His family says she did it. The accusations fly on this blog and we just duck and hope someone out there is listening. Where is not for other cases like that poor little girl in Florida, perhaps people would be on the Tiffany is innocent trailer. But according to the story, they are both responsible for Dalton's death, no matter how you look at it. All the bickering on this blog does not change the fact that Dalton is dead. Dead at the age of three. That is the devastating part of it all. He wasn't an adult who could defend himself. And some one abused him, and murdered him. And no one cared about his case for nine years. No one pushed to have something done about it. Dalton just ceased to exist. Erased forever with out even a grave marker to let the world know he was here. Maybe had some one done something, public opinion would be different. But no one did anything. Not his mom. Not his grandparents (accept be petty about a grave marker that they had removed from Dalton's grave, and that now sits in a garage.) Not J.C.. No one. No one made flyers. No one had vigils. No one asked questions. There are no family members of Dalton's who keep a file on his case. Even at our balloon launch, only one person came for him. And that wasn't his mother or father. It was like he was never here. What mother does that? For that matter, no one heard anything from his real father either. Why? What could Dalton have done to anyone to deserve being erased?
I will say though that J.C.'s sister Amy and Mom do keep in close contact with us and have ever since we met them, and have been to every event that we have had. They are the only ones and believe me, the pain that they feel is very visible!
All we wanted was written permission to put a candle on Dalton's grave so people would know he was there. A candle to light his cold dark nights. He isn't even allowed to have that.
The only thing we can do is carry the candle around with us to every event we go to from now on as a reminder of Dalton Springer. And we will do it gladly because we care. We care that some one murdered him and we will light his candle everywhere we go from now on so everyone will know he was here. Every one. We don't need permission any more. Dalton travels with us now. Because CCFHV refuses to forget.


Leigh Ann said...

Wonderful words :)

Tiffini said...

I have the permission slip that you need. I also have the permission to have the headstone put back on his grave. I told you that I would get it and I have done that.
My parents didn't have a problem putting the light on Dalton's grave it was the fight that I was having with them to put the head stone back on there.
I been trying to get them to agree to everything all at once so that it could be done together. I am sorry if it didn't get done the way that everyone wanted.
I will be in touch with Belinda and Kim about the letter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In Tiffini's interview she said that her trucker friends bought the grave plot so why did she have to get permission from her parent's to put the grave marker on Dalton's grave? Why does she have to have their permission to have the candle put there. I'm sure her trucker friends would have no problem with the grave marker or the light so I guess they didn't buy the plot her parents did.

Anonymous said...

maybe this will help... the things you can find when you google somones name...

EAST LIVERPOOL Deputy coroner says boy died of a head injury
Monday, March 12, 2001

The boy was hurt at home twice before a fatal injury, authorities said.

EAST LIVERPOOL -- A 3-year-old St. Clair Township boy with a history of being hurt at home died of a head injury, the Allegheny County coroner's office determined.

What's unclear is how those injuries occurred, Ken Suchan, a deputy coroner, said today.

Dalton Springer died Nov. 16 in Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, where he was taken Nov. 12 after being hurt at his Sidehill Road home.

The coroner's office determined that blunt force was administered to the boy's head. But they were unable to ascertain how, or with what, Suchan said.

Dalton's mother, Tiffini Marcum, and his stepfather, J.C. Marcum, told authorities the boy fell out of bed, said assistant Columbiana County Prosecutor Tim McNicol.

Neither adult is charged in Dalton's death.

Including the fatal injury in November, Dalton had been treated three times in 2000 for injuries suffered at home, according to the prosecutor's office.

He was treated for a broken arm, which his parents said occurred when he jumped or fell into an entertainment center. Dalton also was hospitalized for a punctured stomach and bruised penis, the result of a fall, his parents told investigators.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I say that he was murdered JC is very abusive You always see his new wife with a beat up face and bruises all over her and she comes up with lame excuses of how it happened. And where is he at now??? In jail for assaulting a police officer and threating to kill the owner where his wife worked because she got fired. Tiffani I don't know u but u know what happened and u need to say something. That is a child who could not defend himself and was murdered. What did that child do??? Don't be afraid of JC justice needs to be served for Daltons sake. I don't know what happened but knowing JC for just a short period of time has me being pretty sure of what went on

Anonymous said...

Just found this web site. To everyone out there I'am also a family member of J.C. and know in my heart that J.C. and Tiffany both had a hand in killing this little boy they both deserve to be on death row for what they have done. I was at Childerens hosp. with Dalton on each occasion and seen first hand the fear in his eyes when either of them would walk into the room. I spoke with childerens services before Dalton died and tried very hard to stop this abuse. I was told by childerens services after the fact that an investigator was denied access to see Dalton during a home visit on the very week he died ! Why did that investigator not call the police because Tiffiany refuses to allow them access ??? This investigator has since been terminated well this is too little too late. Dalton's death lies in the hand's of Coulmbiana County as does the fact these two are getting away with MURDER !!! With all of this being said it is really a blessing that this web site exists and there are outher people out there who care. I'am submitting this anonymously out of fear of retaliation from J.C. if you think he will not come after his own family you ARE mistaken, as already proven no one could protect Dalton from these monsters. God Bless every one who has said a prayer for Dalton and Thank You....