Last week I had the opportunity to meet a great lady. Her name is Soni Reed. For those of you that do not know, she is the mother of Holly Carosiello. Holly was murdered on August 12, 2011 in Wellsville, Ohio.
Holly leaves behind 2 small daughters. Nikki age 4 and Jordyan age 3.
Holly loved shopping. She collected dolphins and would always be the first one to text a "Happy Birthday" at 12:01 am on someone's birthday.
She was a Mom. She wanted to become a Nurse. She was compassionate and loved spending time with the elderly.
Her family and friends most remember her sparkling eyes and laugh.
Holly loved holidays and looked forward to the holiday season with her girls.
Holly had a very strong relationship with her Mom that became stronger just a few months before her death.
I wanted you all to see Holly and hear about her life. The life that someone stole from her.
Please click on the links that I have here and read her story.
Although this is NOT one of our cases, and her case is NOT unsolved, there have been no arrests yet. (Please keep in mind that this case is still relatively new)
Anyhow, I wanted you all to meet this lovely young woman and felt the need to share her story.....
As Always, if you have any info on this case, please contact;
Wellsville Police Dept 330-532-1522
or the Sheriff's Dept 330-424-7255
R.I.P Holly Praying for justice for you and your family..
Holly was such a precious member to her loving family. Snatched away way too soon in her young life. I pray every day for justice for her family, friends, and especially to her precious little girls. RIP, Holly.
Thanks Belinda for posting Holly's story! Holly had such a long life ahead of her. To me, her mother she was just reaching adult hood when her murder took place. My hope is that this never reaches an unsolved status. I mean we, Much of Columbiana County knows who Holly's perpetrator is. Her husband shot her in the head and killed her. It would be my guess that he never realized he was robbing her daughter's of their mommy. That they would suffer with out her. He only thought about his self. Never gave a second thought about her family. It bothers me that I was not here when it took place and even more the only fact's I know come from the people involved. I get no evidence or facts or details from the county. I know there are reasons why and I accept that but it would be nice to hear from the investigator's a little more than I do. Tomorrow we reach our 90 day mark since our beautiful free spirited baby girl's murder. Hopefully soon we will see some movement... I am still in the same place I was Aug. 12.2011. It would be nice to start getting some closure soon....Holly's Mommy!
Thank You Shirley! My heart broke when I heard about Mike. I did not know him but to me every life is precious. As I read through some of the post on here I noticed that in some way or another I am either aware of the MURDER or know the people! Some I had just never realized was not solved. Others just tore my heart to pieces. Especially when I read about the little boy Dalton! I think I would have had to prosecute whoever was in that house whether it was murder on one charging the other for enabling it... I mean the law knows the law. I do not. At the same time I think you have to go with what evidence you have. Allowing so many evil people to murder people is insane.. As I said in Holly's case they know who murdered her. As well they know who conspired to commit the murder. I do have a large amount of F.A.I.T.H Holly's case will be solved. I have 2 babies here that will need answers one day. Things I can not give them. Much of what I know is rumors other than the one witness that was there and the cousin that told his part.. As Holly's mommy I also deserve to know. Her dad is ready to go to every media source out there. Hopefully I have stopped that for the moment. You can believe me when I tell you not one person understands how he is still on the street's considering he broke many laws without MURDER being one of them. There is a lot of people that are the street's waiting like a hawk in the sky to get it's prey. I very seldom leave the house but I don't have to I know people that know people and then I hear. They like the detectives keep me out of the loop. I suppose because I have my 2 grand daughter's but I try to maintain things and send word to give the system time to do it's job... I mean I know enough to know it was planned. I also know enough to know it was no accident as well as I know it was not self defense. I may not remember everything but I remember the hole in her forehead between her eyes... if it was self defense there would have been a struggle with a 135 woman against a man. The hole would have never been as clean, I mean he aimed, was real close and pulled the trigger. I relive that everyday, 24/7, before I saw her I thought maybe there was a chance he did not know it was her after I saw her I knew better..No matter what the reason no one has the right to execute anyone. We are not back in the days when they did that kind of stuff... like you I have a big hole in my heart that no one will ever replace. His wife, my daughter was good to him... Even more than that they were separated once... He was overdosing and she saved his life.. ironic isn't it!
As well Shirley you have to know I am so very sorry for your loss.. I do believe that they will get the people that murdered your son as well... Just not long ago it seems there was a post under his blog... my senses told me they know who did it... our prosecutor has to know when it is time to charge. Nothing is ever 100%. And he may have good ratings but it is not because of no big cases like these... I think the last murder he was successful with was Brandon Johnson at that I don't believe he did it. The guy that killed her is still on the street's. Always remember we are small here not to much goes by a person.. I could say a lot even about death's that has been ruled a sudden illness or even accidental but it is probably best I don't...Anytime you want to talk I am not far away and check the blog often... just let me know..I am sorry I can not help you any more than that... I would love to be the one to be able to come forward with all the information you need.. I know your pain all to well... From one mommy's heart to another~ Soni
My heart goes out to you because only a mother who has lost a child can know our heart break.
You have a Beautiful Daughter and I pray that justice will be served. I have seen so so many times since I have gotten to know the victims families how destroyed they have become over their loss. The loss is unbearable but then when no one is charged and these murderer walks free- it just makes you very very angry. I know of a coupe of these families who the murderer could have only been one or two persons and they didn't take the time to pin these people down and arrest someone?????
There is no excuse for this. Murder is not top priority.
I am going to give you Mike's website - maybe you would like to do something like this for Holly!
Please email me at
I'm praying Holly's family gets the justice they need!! Holly was a wonderful woman she loved being with family and friends..Most of all her babies this story has broken so many hearts!! Soni is doing a awsome job of taking care of her babies!How can a man walk away from killing his wife and hurting his children by taking there mother away from them!!I hope this is not the one unsolved murder in our county..There was so many witness this crime it's all over the streets that her husband did this to her!! Holly was so young she had a long life to go..She will be there in sprits when her children grow up to be young adults she will miss there first date school dancing Fisrt love and broken hearts graduating from school collage getting married having babies..Holly will miss out on so much of her chilren life and it makes 90 days and we haven't heard nothing and still walking the streets just like he could care less!!! What will he tell his daughters one day when they look at them and say why did you take mommy away from us!! Soni is doing the best that she can do she just wants her grandbabies to live a normal life has much has they can..Little niki talks to her mommy through God they are smart little girls and it's sad that her babies will grow up with out holly!! I'm sure she keeps near them.Holly loved the holidays she always made sure her babies had a wonderful christmas and birthdays..She wanted the best for her and her family! Holly was all about family and fun doing stuff with her girls!! She would be so proud of soni for doing what's best for her babies!! Ihope soni and the family gets justice soon..Has I write this it bring tears to my eyes!! All we can do is pray that the man who killed her gets what he has coming to him along with the other people was there and seen waht happened! I would of loved if we got a hold of nacey grace to help us with holly story!! Keep close holly let your family no you are near!! I love you babygirl
Holly was a beautiful girl who always smiled had a great way of putting a a smile on your face just seeing her so sad she leaves behind her kids and family justice needs to be served Holly you will never be forgotten
I do not understand the police dept. in east liverpool wellville or lisbon.a beautiful young lady has been murdered and the person admitted he killed her but 90 days later and nobody has been arrested what kind of town is this the family can not even live knowing the murderer is still walking the streets what kind of society do we live in. soni the mother of holly is my best friend i love her dearly and i pray they get this dirt bag behind bars and so hollys children and soni and the rest of the family can have justice for holly. it will not bring holly back but it will help her and her family to be at peace.
Hugs & Prayers go out to Mommy (Soni) and family. You know you are in my heart & love you. Hopefully you all will have justice soon.
@ Shirley. I will email soon. I went through a rough few days as we just past our 90 day mark of Holly's murder. Not a day goes by I don't think about my dear baby girl however when it get's close to the date she left us it hit's hardest!
As well I also appreciate all the support from my friend's, family and even the anonymous ones.. I would greatly appreciate it if you would share the page. It doesn't have to be Holly if you just share the page because you just never know who might know something where.. even though my fight is for my daughter from the depth of my heart I believe the other men and woman and the wee ones too deserve Justice.. Thanks and keep fighting with me for the justice for Holly! ((((Hugs-From Holly's Mommy!)))
Holly was my beautiful loving niece, with a smile and heart as big as the earth!!! She loved her girls an her family, they were the most important things in the world to her!!! She loved cake fights, any and every holiday, dolphins, riding around, she loved to laugh an have fun.....its really a cruel shame that she was took away so very young an had to leave her too little girls behind, and to think the person who took her life is still walking around enjoying his self while their girls suffer daily, along with the rest of the family, its so hard to understand why hes still walking around on the outside, when she is gone...But i can tell you this she will never be forgotten, EVER!!! I just pray that justice comes soon, because reguardless of what she was doing done there she did not deserve to die and her girls do not deserve to grow up with out her!!! I LOVE AND MISS HOLLY MORE AND MORE EACH DAY!!!
HOLLY was a wonderful, loving, caring, care free person, once she met ya one time that was it she never forgot ya, an once u met her u never forgot her smile:) Holly was taken away from this world in a very cruel and ungodly way< why would anyone want to hurt her or her beautfil babies, i just cant believe, she was shot by by her husband over 90 DAYS AGO and he is still out walking the streets enjoying his self, how could he have been so cruel not only to her but there girls....what did she do so wrong to deserve to be shot in the face at close range an fall 15 to 18 feet??? what did her little girls do to deserve to have to grow up with out a mother??? Why is he still walking around on the outside after admitting he shot her??? And they even showed pictures to the grandmother of the blood and all....i have lived in this area my whole 39 years an for the life of me i cant understand why he hasnt been arrested??? What is this world coming to? is it legally now days to just go up an shot your wife for any reason at all?? i mean the message were getting here in columbiana county is... shot who ever you want, you wolnt be arrested....Come on now, i belive her girls an family have paid long enough now lets do something about this!!! Yes i realize arresting him is not going to bring her back nor will it take the pain that her family feels away, and believe me i no they are still hurting and bad and they will for the rest of there lives, but it would give them a little comfort knowing he was paying for the crime he committed, an is going around bragging about!!! So i think its time way past time for him to pay, after all holly paid with her life... she was took away, how much more does her family have to endure She was my fiances niece and we love an miss her an my heart just breaks for the girls....I PRAY FOR JUSTICE!!!
Holly was an amazing mom and an amazing friend! I miss her more and more everyday! Not a day passes that I don't think of her or the girls or you Soni! I love you all! And I have faith that we will get justice <3
Holly Was A Beauitful Person She Had A Huge Heart She Loved Her Family And Friends She Was Taken Way To Soon . We Need Justice For Holly R.I.P
Holly was my beautiful niece,it is so hard to believe it has been 3 long month since your murder.I miss your big smile that would light up the room,and always an I love you before I walked out the door.I just can't believe your murdered is still walking the streets free,while u are 6 feet under ground,missing out on the girls growing up and everything u enjoyed.the holidays are among us and while your murdered and his family get to enjoy it we are left wondering will there ever be justice.the only thing I know for sure is you are in heaven enjoying being with family and friends who have passed before you.we love you holly Louise jewel conrad.gone but never ever forgotten.until we meet again.
Holly was my beautiful niece,it is so hard to believe it has been 3 long month since your murder.I miss your big smile that would light up the room,and always an I love you before I walked out the door.I just can't believe your murderer iss still walking the streets free,while u are 6 feet under ground,missing out on the girls growing up and everything u enjoyed.the holidays are among us and while your murderer and his family get to enjoy it we are left wondering will there ever be justice.the only thing I know for sure is you are in heaven enjoying being with family and friends who have passed before you.we love you holly Louise jewel conrad.gone but never ever forgotten.until we meet again.
my granddaughter was murdered at the hands of a murder at the age of 22 holly was also taken from her mom, dad, 2 little girls sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles also a lot of friends the murder was her husband he said he felt threatened well let me tell u holly was very kind hearted even if she did like some one it didn't last too long holly was always bringing home strays trying to find good homes for them nick od in his blazer holly was crying for me to help him so we got him in the house and straightened him out. nick also has domestic violence charges was not supposed to be in possession of fire arms but yet he was as he shot holly in the head how AND WHY IS HE STILL WALKING THE STREETS TO SELL DRUGS I LOVE MY GRAND CHILDREN WITH EVERYTHING IN ME GOD PLEASE COME DOWN AND TOUCH THE PROSECUTORS AND BRING JUSTICE TO HER CHILDREN MOM AND FAMILY.....R I P MY BEAUTY TILL WE MEET AGAIN
Justice will be served soon enough! U will see.
Holly , Holly is my best friend. I know we fought. We disagreed. We had fun. She loves me and I love her more. She depended on me but I depended on her more. (I just didn't realize) I never thought in a million years I would have her for 22 years but I was blessed because I could not have ever had her at all... Rest Easy Baby Girl!! Mommy love you forever and beyond!~~~~ 2 have been arrested!
To Nila,Soni and family...My prayers go out to you for comfort for you and your family..I just dont know what else to say...but I do know about loss of an adult child thru murder,even when grown up she is still your feelings still are that it hurts to breath,just when you think you are so strong..the lump in the throat comes back..I will keep you in my prayers...Nancy
Thanks Nancy!!! We appreciate you support...
I miss you everyday. But I really miss you today. I know how you love the holidays! But I am gonna do the best I can especially for you and your babies as well as the rest of the family. I am sorry your life was taken so soon but am thankful for the 22 years I had with you! I pray that you have an awesome 1st Thanksgiving in Heaven with the family there. I love you baby girl!
Holly was my baby sister,to say the least it feels like we are living a nightmare that you can't wake up from. It has been going on 4mths since my sister was shot and killed. There are many stories out there, but I don't see how you can justify killing someone. On a daily basis the one that shot her tries too along with his girlfriend. They have gone to all levels as far as e-mailing, harassing the family, and making threats. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of my sister; she was a beautiful young lady with a full life ahead of her. Yes, my brother had got arrested in connection to her murder. I am not going to sit here and try to justify it, but he didn't kill my sister. He was in the wrong going to their house. He will pay for his part along with many others. I can say his honesty got him where he is today. He came forward and told his part all of it even though it cost him his freedom by doing so. But he wants justice for his sister as we all do. As a family we will stick by his side with plenty of love and support. He has to relive that night for the rest of his life and no he made a bad choice by going there. The detectives are doing a fine job; I believe that there will be a lot more arrest to come. I can't wait till the day that the one who shot her is behind bars as well as everyone that played a role that night. On a daily basis they try to justify their self and put blame on whoever they can. They need to take a long look in the mirror because they only have their self’s to blame. In an e-mail I recently got from my sister's husband He called my sister his "WIFE"...Then he went on to say my brother was the cause of her death. Then went on and accused me of playing a part in it...I refused to e-mail him back because I am not stooping to his level...I had no part in it and for him to even suggest it, he is more pathetic than I thought. It is sad when u have to go around blaming everyone for your actions because the truth is too hard to face. My other sister gets threats and e-mails or nasty comments almost on a daily basis. They chased after my little brother trying to spit on him and even attempted to kick him in the face. It is to the point you can't even turn the computer on without reading about it or the nasty post. I can't wait till my family can have some peace and not be harassed. We need some sense of closure. As well, my sister deserves justice. I see justice happening there have been 3 arrest made, things are coming together and there will be plenty more to come. Thanks for listening Holly's Big Sister, Shawna
Well said Shawna. I know Holly is very proud of her big sister. She would also be saying I can't believe Jordyan is doing all she is. And Nikki she would really be talking her ear off. Even though we do not have a tree up yet Jordy, just like last year is ready and thinks it's her birthday... My Holly, your mommy misses u so much. Josh wanted to go out black Friday so I went with him, Krislyn and Misty. I had to tell him more than once to stop acting like you...which is what he set out to do. We just walked around. Misty and Krislyn picked up a few things. Josh got tired long before u did though. I miss you love. Things are tough down here...shine bright and keep all the negativity away. I love you mommy, Nikki and Jordy.
Tonight, in just a few hours marks the 4 month mark. It has been the longest four months of my life. I try hard to be strong.. it get's awful hard at times. I miss you so much. You have no idea. It seems everything is just falling apart. Each day I see more and more... I will b so glad to have this year over so we can hopefully start fresh and things can get back to as normal as possible for them. They will forever miss their mommy but they can tell the difference in other things too... getting through Christmas is gonna be like one of the hardest times. There were many that were gonna help but I think that has went down the drain. But I do believe one will still help. I know how important Christmas is to you... It has just been hard. You were MURDERED. Shortly after Clyde was back in the hospital.. I try to live up to your expectations as well I just think the kids deserve more than I can provide. But we will see how that all falls into place.. as for you, ur dad and aunt has been getting your resting place all ready for Christmas. Even though I know you will b missing as we will b missing u but you will b part of a bigger celebration!!! I love you unconditionally with no limit's. One day we will b together again..As well I have faith Justice will b yours however, that will never bring back what was stolen from us- YOU! Love Ya Sweetheart
Nice link. But it doesn't and if it does can you please give the right format.
Geez. I don't even know where to begin. I am so aggravated tonight. It seems Nikki and Jordy is too.. They are so fussy.... they had a nice Christmas but they knew last night something was missing. Nikki started crying and was worried about you. Me, I am completely lost without you. It didn't even seem like Christmas. We had a small dinner at moms. Uncle Bill came in, we talk about God. He gave me this Bible that is really easy to read. Wrote me many notes on the inside. I read some things I had wrote last night and he doesn't understand where I get the compassion or the strength. I don't either to be honest. I feel like I am dying inside. I love and miss you very much! I know you were looking down on us... I talked to your dad tonight. He is also having a hard time, as well as pap and Josh. Everyone really. I just wish there was a way we could communicate. This was your first year in Heaven on Christmas, Jesus's Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful celebration. Forever Loved, Never Forgotten! BTW. The babies got their card and presents from you! Mommy
Anonymous of November 13, 2011, East Liverpol Police, Wellsville Police nor Lisbon Police Departments are in charge of the Holly murder case investigation, your comments need directed at the Columbiana County Sheriffs Department, thats who has the case.
You are not forgotten loved one,nor will you ever be,as long as life and memory last we shall remember thee. We miss you now our hearts are sore, as time goes on we miss you more.Your loving smile,your gentle face,no one can fill your vacant place.We miss and love you very much Holly.
First, I don't know who anonymous is or why you made that post but I know where my comments need to be directed...
Secondly, there was NEVER a Lisa when my daughter was a live, there sure isn't one now. I don't have a problem with Rick posting to Holly however when it all comes down to the truth. My husband and I took care of my kids... He was to busy not having time for them, grandchildren included. Just after Holly's death he wanted to start having something to do with her babies and I tried but their life style is not one the babies should ever be around. And even though I have all the right in the world I never disrespect her dad and say (Mommy) Soni and (Daddy) Clyde on here. I put my name and only my name. And to b more honest it was my husband and I who cared and she knows that so why post this... If it makes you feel better about yourselves and all the wrong that you did while she was living and you could have showed her that you cared by all means... trust me, being the mother of all of my kids I know how they feel no matter what they say or do to me... as far as you Lisa, I am sure you remember coming out of the crack house and your daughter hitting me with a pipe because I was trying to talk to you about allowing my kids to have a relationship with their dad.. It never happened! Clyde has been there dad all of there lives.. He has taken care of them. Paid for insurance for them made sure they had everything they needed from one Holiday to the next! Why don't you do as you said and keep to ur 2 daughters and 1 grandson...we have taken care of my kids(we me *& Clyde) for over 16 years) To bring trouble here is just disrespectful. period and you knew prior to posting here how i felt about you posting anything to Holly. Besides where has he been the last almost 9 months. He can't even help pay her plate off... not because he don't have the money because you all get money down there... why haven't you if you love her as you claim? Because she is not your child that is why.
Thank U Belinda and Kim for adding yet another one of My Family members to the list.. What U guys do helps so much!! I truly thank U from the bottom of My heart! Holly deserves justice.. Our whole family deseerves justice and I feel with U on Our sides this will happy! Thanks again Ladies.. Love U both!!! Rest in Peace Holly.. We love U!
This will happen.. I cant type today sorry!
Thanks Christi!
Actually Kim isn't with ccfhv any longer. She has moved on and is running her own organization. (non related) Thank you though for the kind words. This is a very sad situation and like everyone of the cases in our county, I hope that Holly's family will receive justice!
I can say Holly made a bad choice. Nothing anyone should ever get murdered over! &&& you are Satan's child to think so! A real nut case would be you!!! Soni is never afraid to stand behind what she has to say! I have a backbone very secure and in place! You think I need help .... just maybe you can do the honors! Do you need the address??? Don't keep it up here or I will have this taken clear down. You will not bash me or anyone else on this page. My daughter has a beautiful soul! And you will not be bashing her! Period. My daughter or my children will b your weapon.. Come up with something better retard!
Holly, I wish I could just be talking to you face to face right now! This time last year we were at Idle Wild having the time of our lives! Who would have ever thought that would be the last full day I would ever spend with you making awesome memories that only the kids and I can now share. It has been a hard day for me, even last night didn't seem to be good. It is like I know something is wrong but I just don't know what until it finally kicks in. Then it drains me... it suck every bit of everything I have out of me. What I feel I would never wish upon anybody not even my worst enemy. At the same time I wonder what a MURDER must be thinking after they have murder a person. Do they feel any pain at all or are they completely heartless? I imagine heartless. I know the mistress in this situation is heartless. She kept trouble going when you were here and does everything in her power to keep it going now! It shows that she never had a proper upbringing. The girls are getting big. And they are not as well behaved as they use to be. So much has happened in their young lives. Jordyan she is just like you with her fits. I wonder sometimes if you are real close. And Nikki has that eewww I'm not touching that about her. It's really weird. Me, I just really miss you! I am praying something happens soon so we can move on with the case... There will be justice I am just not sure if it is gonna be right... i wish we could just go back. one chance to make everything different. I love and miss you so much! Until we meet again, I love you- Mommy
I miss you so much holly lj. I carry your beautiful smile with me every day. I went out to see the girls the other day and they are both little you!! Both beautiful and so smart. I love you so much jewellz nd miss you so much too. I miss your calls your texts hanging out. I wish u were still here with us. but you were taken away from us by the hands of the devil. you were too beautiful for this earth. when you were a baby you were dropped in glitter because you were born to shine. you may be gone but never ever forgotten. ans even though u don't physically walk this earth anymore, u still have haters. people always have been and always will be jealous of you. our beautiful angel. until we meet again. I love you holly lj!!
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I hear your mommy got custody of your beautiful little girls. I know you are happy with a smile brighter than the sun. They are where they should be. Where you have always wanted them. They will be well taken care of. I know everyone is finding peace in knowing they are safe. You will all be together again one day until then rest peacefully.
RIP beautiful! <3
Holly I miss yu more && more everyday i really wish yu was here right now.. god I jus wish were here.. I miss you holly Jewell Rip BbyGirl
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