I wanted to explain something about a previous post about Dalton Springers' grave. I had made the comment that I visited Dalton's unmarked grave.
The grave is unmarked because the family wants it that way. They had an anonymous person donate a beautiful headstone for Dalton and the family had it removed so now there is nothing on his grave.
This beautiful headstone now sits in a garage somewhere.
I just wanted to clear that up.
What is The REason why the headstone was removed? Maybe thats a sign...just a Headstone Sittting In a garage, and a little boy with no headstone and People have to guess were you are that is so Wrong.If it was such a big Problem Why hasnt the person who had it removed have one there? when there is 1 just sitting in a garage.
I just want to say that there is a reason for the unmarked grave.
The headstone that was put in there was done by J.C. parents. Dalton's family didnt want anything on there that was from them. They all feel as I do that J.C. had something or not all with the Dalton's death.
There is a headstone for Dalton and no it isn't sitting in a garage some where. It will be place on the grave when the MONSTER is put in jail for the murder of Dalton. It will mark my final good bye to him.
Until then I know where is grave is and I go there everyday or I go to another place that meant the world to the two of us. He is always on my mind and in my heart. I never will forget him or stop loving him... That can never happen.
To anonmous above- I have never heard such BULLSHIT in my life! You make me sick. You never cared about him and you never will. You are the monster you seek. And as long a Dalton doesn't have a headstone you do not have to feel guilty. It makes it like he doesn't exist and never did. He is just gone. But please remember Dalton's mother, that someday you will stand before GOD to answer for your sin of murder. You might have gotten away with murdering a three year old little boy right now, but GOD will hear no lies from you. REMEMBER THAT. I am so glad I am not you!!!!!!!!
Arguing isn't going to help anything and it doesn't make the loss any easier.
Do you believe J.C.'s parents murdered Dalton and that is why you do not want a headstone on Daltons Grave from them? Also, what if Daltons murder is never solved? It has been eight years already. Does that mean he never gets a headstone to mark where he is? That is just stupid.
Regardless of who did what this baby needs a headstone! He needs to be recognized as a person who walked this Earth. No one should EVER be placed in the ground with out a memorial!
I agree with one of the comments above, or at least part of it. When Dalton's murderer wasn't found after a couple of years, I'd have put a headstone on his grave then. And while I know you believe J.C. did it, his parents didn't. Did any one ever wonder that maybe J.C.'s parents might have loved Dalton and wanted him to have something from them? They have lost also. I think it is horribly rude and unthinking to refuse them the right to help in some way. Weren't they his step grandparents? No one else stepped up to put a headstone on that baby boys grave. Spanks to the ones who had it removed in the first place. This whole thing seems to be about every one except the little boy who lays in the ground there. What are you people thinking?
See Just look at the Comments Fighting.. the marker was donated.. so how dose the Family know who but it there? All I know Is Someday who all is involed with the little boys murder will pay.. and Karma will finally get the best of you.And if jcs mother did buy it What makes the differecnce What dose she have to do this ? I see a lady with A BIG HEart. why take it out on Everyone that has to guess were dalton is .. you are a selfeish person! I wonder What Daltonos real Father thinks of all of this? Or dose he even know? I will waite intill the monster is but in jail .. ding ding, IF YOU KNOW HE DID IT WHY HAS NOTHIN BEEN done? or JUst A pice of shit like he is. ... and if the person gose to see DALTON Why havent you been to ! of the candle lights? because your a coward! God will have his judement day!
How sad no headstone for a three year old little boy. I can only think of two reasons why a person wouldnt put a headstone on a loved ones grave. One because they didn't really care and the other because they couldn't aford it. One of the comments says there is a second one, so we know it isn't because they can't aford it.
Why is it that people think it is okay to assume that someone can't afford something?? Do you know what the fiancial status of this person is?? No you don't, you have know idea...
There is another headstone and it is being taken care of.. If you would all like to to know what is on it.. I will tell you it has a cab over truck on it pulling a flatbed trailer. Just like what his mother and grandfather does.
It was one of the things that Dalton loved and that was to be around the big trucks.
So for all of you that want to fight over this issue, you need to ask questions instead of thinking that you know it all.
I posted the comment on here about the other headstone and I am the person who knows the true reason why it isn't there. So if you want to fight over this stuff then fine have fun. You will never drag me back into the hole I was in 8 years ago. I am doing all that I know how to do and what I am able to do to help Dalton.
The rest is in the lords hands....
so is the Pic ever ging to be put on this site.... a such a nice headstone... i think everyone should see the nice headstone!
Due to the fact that I have been asked several times to put a picture of Daltons' tombstone on here, I am posting this picture.
What a beautiful headstone!
Such a sad situation!
Everytime i think of DAlton and all of the other victims I sit and Cry... I headstone is so beatuiful... why would noone not want that on his grave instead of guessing were he is to take him things Especaily around this time when he should be counting the days down to Christmas... My Heart gose out to all of the Familys!
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