Okay....this another one of those stories that is very upsetting...
We were made aware of this case while at the fair.
This one is particularly hard because it involves yet another child.
Dalton Springer was only 3 years old when he was beaten to death around November 17, 2000. We have verified that this is an unsolved homicide, however, that is about all we know about this little boy. The only other info is that someone in PA did the autopsy because he had to be transported to Children's Hospital because his injuries were so severe.
We were made aware of this case while at the fair.
This one is particularly hard because it involves yet another child.
Dalton Springer was only 3 years old when he was beaten to death around November 17, 2000. We have verified that this is an unsolved homicide, however, that is about all we know about this little boy. The only other info is that someone in PA did the autopsy because he had to be transported to Children's Hospital because his injuries were so severe.
1 – 200 of 317 Newer› Newest»I got on this site after reading the mj online to tell you about dalton-have you read the articles on him?everyone knows who did it just cant prove it.We were foster parents for his sibs and adopted the youngest two-some day everyone will know the truth
I would love to have a photograph of him if anyone has one. I have heard the stories about this case but haven't had the chance to read the newspapers about it yet. This one is so sad. I have heard a few things and hopefully, someone reading this blog will give us information to turn over that will solve this case.
Dalton was a happy go lucky down in the dirt little boy. Dalton was beaten to death shortly after his mother married a local convicted felon. There were two adults and his big sis in the house that night. There are two people on this planet that know what happened to that bright shining star. So far there is no answer for the family that still cares. You see, Dalton had a very large family that has not forgotten him or the ugly secret that those two adults hold inside. We can only hope that the truth will come to light or that the people who are responsible will one day pay for beating a 4 year old boy to death in his bed.
i thing this is a very sad story and can anyony tell me where i can read up on this i dont rember the story much and i hope they get the people who did this
Dalton Lane Springer was born on Sept 21st, 2007. He was 3 when he died, on November 17th, 2000. I have a picture but I don't know how to post it on here. He was an angel on earth and I know he is an angel now. I miss him like he were my own.
try this link to his picture:
okay I got this web site FRom Dalton's Mother who loves him so very much and Misses him.... My Heart gose out to her... Wow were to start.... okay Why has Nothing been done? Everyone knows that daltons mom did not do it... she loved her babies! And a Pice of Shit took her sons life.and she lost her other 3 kids... hear comes the funny part.. the 2 youngest children were in a foster home.. they later adopted the 2 children .. hear is 1 the person who adopted them his the murders cousin.. ...makes u wonder. and a fact the Murder! has seen those 2 children and also seen the oldest when he was not to have any contact... but She the adopted mother met him so he could see the children... knows he is a bad person.... who is a attic.. would do anything for drugs!been in and out of jail. A person I know was with this evil person for allmost 2 years... the best thing that ever happend to her was him to leave.went to N,O, after the storm to work. but in that time the person i know went threw pure hell....he had her thinking that daltons mom did it. but then the person starting to think about things and it made her sick.. He beet this person.. causeing damange..stiches black eyes spilt open head which left a mark on this young ladies brain. scares all over her body from this person. causeing this young lady I know have night mares that she slept with a knife. he even stabbed the young lady.and on top of that this young lady told me that yes he has allmost killed her from him trying to choke her but she got free and hit him to get him off. and this young lady knew when her porr little dog started getting the abuse a broken leg and a broken nose.. thats when this young lady that i know knew who did that to this little boy. and yet they had the young lady go and talk to them in lisbon and even signed release papers for her records but still no justice for this little boy. who life was cut so short bye a Evil person.. And how could this Evil person have that little boys name on his body.. I hope everytime he looks at it it eats at him.... The persons past speaks for its self.. I hope Someone opens their Eyes!!! this Evil PErson IS back in our county! So when is something going to be DOne? Or IS it? but 1 thing god will meet up with this person .. and that day will not be nice. how could this person live with their self? Maybe he isnt even human. But i hope some closer is done and Daltons mother can be Clear.. and have closer for her little boy who has been cut to short .. god bless you DALTON YOur MOm and So many Other people Love and Miss you...but you are that shineing star .. who like was cut short but i know ur looking down with those wings and halo.. wondering when something is going to be done ...
THe county needs to OPEn ther Eyes up and look.and little boy was murder .. when is something going to be DOne??????
I am here to say that Dalton was a very wild spirited little boy. He loved his mother and both his older sister Morgan and his younger sister Jordan. He loved to go out and help his Pa work on the dozer and play in the dirt. he would care a little plastic person that came with a Tonka toy and he would call it "Pa". He loved all his family and couldn't wait to go out side to play and to help his Pa work on the new house. He would go in and ask Grammy if he could have "NUMS" (food). She would tell him yes and he would get cheese from the fridge and would have her open it.
I remember when Morgan went to pre-school the first day and Dalton potted because he couldn't go with her. He hated when she started kindergarden cause she got to ride the bus. He loved to ride his big wheel down the through the front yard so that he could crash at the bottom. He thought that he was so tough.. He was such a sweet little boy. If you were upset he would come over and wipe the side of your face and pat you arm.
When he first got sick and had to have surgery he was very upset. He would look at his scare and say "DADDY". Never knew just what he meant by that, but now I know.
I just wish that I would have listened to what he was saying and did something about it. I pray everyday that something will be done in the case of "MY SON"! That day will come and it isn't to far off I hope.
I just ask that everyone keeps my little boy in their thoughts and their prayers everyday. God will answer all our prayers.
Dalton A little boy whos life got cut short by someone...I did not no you but by the pics i haven seen of you you were such a happy little boy..you i was told would make everyone smile and A Evil person took you away.. But thanks to mike williams parents made all this posbile there is hope . thank you ... there are so many people out there that even know a sweet little boy was beaten to dead an it was unsloved . but ALot of people no know. So their is going to be hope if the person Who did this to this little boy how could you do that to a helpless little boy .. ur a pice of Sit you will get your day. I hope it eats you up.. why? but I truely think know something is going to be done.and their will be closer. but R.I.P. Dalton.You ARE NOT FOR GOTTEN
I am hoping that someone comes forward with information on this case. It is going on 8 years since this little angle died.
He died from " Blunt Force Trauma". people want to say that he died from a beating that accured while he was in his bed. Well that isn't the case. I just wish people would know what they are saying before they go out there and say the things that they do.
I was always told to ask questions if I don't know. That is what I am asking know. I don't know what happened and I am hoping that the person who did this to my little boy has the guts to come forward.
Dalton needs to rest in peice and that will not happen until the person who did this is put in jail. He knows who he is, as well as the rest of the family and the whole county. Why hasn't something been done before know. What more does the county need to know or have proof of.
I hope this is daltons real mom and someone else if it is.then if you know so much step up and talk ..no nothing has been done in till someone starting bitching.there is so many people out here in our county that didnt even know about this but they do know. i was at there memoral i did not see anyone else there for that lil boy and if you go in the moringing joural and you can see who was there and the first poster they but up was dalton and everyone was looking and said i have never herd about this i am not scared to say who i am anymore this is Emma everyone has there opion but i lived with the person who i think who did this to a lil boy well he beet me and then my little dog .. so what dose that tell you.you will have to answer to god i dont think your human .and you know who you are .you will get it Karama will get you.. let the world no who likes to hit woman and bead on dogs . and he thinks=ks he has people beliveing him .bc he tells so many lies he belives hisself ~~~~Emma~~~~
I dont care who gets mad let everyone know he will never change,,,your day will come
First of all I did not know that the kids belonged to jc when we fostered them-it was after we got them that we found out-and there was no way we would of ask to have them removed from our home-2-I am jc 5th cousin-and I never met him until we had the kids 3d-we moved because of him bugging us,4th-if everyone knows who killed Dalton why aren't you talking to the prosecuter-his name is Robert Herron and you can find him at the Columbiana County Court House-it is located in Lisbon in the middle of town.5th. I did not get on this site to be slammed by someone who doesnt even know what they are talking about(me).I got on this site to help find who killed Dalton and everyone else on this site.
To the last person to post.
I did not slam you. And as far as I am concerned, the Procecuter Bob Herron knows how I feel about this case. Appearently, others have spoken to him as well. To my knowledge, the only problem that I have ever heard about as far as you are concerned is that it has been rumored that you would take those kids to see him when the court ruled that he was to have no contact with them. The opinions on this blog are not mine unless I sign it. Please feel free to share your opinions about this as well. Thank you, Belinda
There are very few people posting on here who really care about the fact that Dalton was MURDERED. From what I am seeing, they only seem to care about their own ass and explaining how it could not have been them. He's been called a wild little boy and a down in the dirt little boy, like he was a behavior problem or something. He was a THREE YEAR OLD BABY!!!!
So if it wasn't MOM and it wasn't the STEP DAD, are you trying to say someone snuck in there and beat him when your back was turned? Or maybe it happened at Grandma's?
The way I see it, it was either MOM or STEP DAD. If I was the law they would both be in jail. And if Grandma's a suspect, she'd be in there too!!!
I care about who murdered Dalton and all the other people on this site-I knew one of them personally-bruce burton-as for me letting jc see the kids -there was not a no contact order-and it was after the adoption was final-it was my choice to let him see them- and I made that mistake-
Okay This Person is wanting justice for that little boy!Its like everyone is mad or wanting something to do with all that is all going on know . I dont know why somany people are getting on hear just saying different things..when someone knows something .My opion is 1 is covering up for theother person I think they both should be questioned. If the people that are posting things on hear dose not like what it says or its getting to him them THEY must KNOw something. I know i am going to keep trying to get Justice for dalton. and People have went and talked to bob herron. Thats A fact. why get mad .. its not about them its aboutgetting justice for that helpless little boy.how could the person do that ? It makes you wonder when you come on this site you see comments from people getting upset. they must no something and its eating at them . but thanks to this site and for people speaking up.know everyone knows this little boy is not forgotten.
Just Wanted today is Daltons birthday.. HAppy 8th Birthday Dalton.happy birthday our sweet angel happy birthday to you.
I am sorry the last comment i dont know were my mind was .. aww happy 11th birthday Dalton.
I would like to thank everyone that has been tring to get the murder of MY SON solved. It is hard on all the family members, But it is harder on myself. People look at me and think that I know something or I am covering for someone. That is not the case. I don't know what happened that night.. I wish that I did, then maybe this could have been solved along time ago. I have had people come up tp me and tell me that they heard this and that. I don't know what to believe. All I have to say to anyone that may know something even the littlest thing may help. Please contact Bob Herron or even Belinda. Anything that can be added will help. Even if you think it don't matter.
Again thank you all for showing your support in all these unsolved cases.
Okay today Is SATURDAY THE 15th My phone Rang at 9:52 a.m. to be excect... I was asleep i answered It .. And it was JC MARCUM Yelling SAying "IF I KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR ME I WILL KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT"!!WEll I am not... how he got my nummber well stupied me tried to talk to his new wifes family to tell them that HEATER is getting Beet up by JC. well he called me. So Why dose he keeping telling people to keep there mouth shut or else... well I am not! am i scaried of him yes i knew what i had to go threw... so there is my answer i guess .. dalton I feel Justice is going to be finally done. and as for jcs new wife .. I tried to tell you.. she is liveing like i did but this isnt about noone but the person .persons who took that little boys life. So if Something Dose HAppen to ME well you will have your clues to look at . I am not keeping my mouth shut there is freedom of SPEACH .~~~Emma.~~~
TO Who ever posted that Last comment About me Emma I did not type that.. so STOP SLYNDERING MY NAME ... this site isnt for people to say this and that about people that are still alive its for the ones who lost there lives.. and not for people to LEave Smart REMARKS about others .. So IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER TO SAY I KEEP WRIGHTING THINGS GET YOR FACTS STRIGHT! BEcause you must not have a life. I talked to the right people.. SO Just AMsumeing it is me that is WRighting it. SO just keep on talking . what DID YOU DO IT?
Josh Courtney was the SOLE CARETAKER OF HIS NEPHEW AT THE TIME OF THE 15 MONTH OLDS INJURIES THAT CAUSED HIS DEATH. He has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and endangering children. He faces possibly 18 years in jail.
Tiffany has all of her children taken off of her because she is such a horrible mother, plus Dalton dies from blunt force trauma to his head and other injuries and HE WAS IN HER SOLE CARE! WHY ISN'T SHE IN JAIL? WHY WERE NO CHARGES FILED AGAINST HER FOR FAILING TO TAKE CARE OF HER SON?
To the last person who left a comment....
Tiffany isn't a horrible mother.. She just made the wrong choices for a husban and step father and father for her children..
On the night that Dalton's injury accured Tiffany wasn't in the house. Dalton and his two sisters were in the house with their father and step father...
Tiffany knows that she made some wrong choices in her life and she is the one that has to live with them for the rest of her life...
If the county investegators were doing there job they would have put the person in jail for what he has done to Dalton and his family...
Dalton's family lives with the mistakes that Tiffany has made just as she does everyday... We want justice for Dalton just like everyone on here say they do..
We want the rightful person put in jail for the death of Dalton Lane Springer...
If you have any REAL information in this case... Please talk to the correct people and help solve this case..
Thank you all for your help with this case and all the other unsolved cases!!!!
my name is joe from PA all i know is that Dalton's mother knows more then what she says! she needs to be in jail for what she did and is covering up! the truth will come out and there will be justice for DALTON SPRINGER
Hey Joe from PA-would you please Email your story to Belinda or me? Belinda's email address is mom2zack@peoplepc.com and mine (Kimberly) is ghosting12@yahoo.com. Please help us with Dalton's case. He needs someone who will fight for him and put him first. Please.
Joe from Pa is Emma's boyfriend. He knows nothing of the case... He is going on what Emma has told him...If you or Belinda want to know anything you should talk to the people who know the whole case. Not someone who thinks that they know. Belinda has my number and she knows how to contact me. But I will take your email adress and I will email you my number and then maybe we can all sit down and talk about the case. I have contacted Belinda and asked her if we could get together and talk but I never heard from her. So I am pleading with you so that we can get together and talk about the case.
I will email you in the hopes that we can talk.
Thank you
To Daltons family-
you seem to elude that Daltons stepfather killed him but you never just say it. you leave ....
So, in your opinion, did he kill this little boy? Why don't you ever say just say it?
We do not elude the fact that J.C. MURDERED Dalton... We have stated that when this all happened and that is what we stand by.... We have talked to the police and nothing has been done. The policw searched the home of Dalton's mother and the even had Tiffini go to the grand jury and testify against J.C. and still no results..
So who is the one that is not standing by what they know and have been told??????
THE COUNTY that is who!!!!!
If I were a detective, I'd say that Dalton's mother has never said that the stepdad is responsible for killing Dalton. Other relatives, maybe. Not the mother. And if it is true that she doesn't have custody of any of her other children, why? You have to be really neglectful and abusive in the state of Ohio for a mom to have her kids taken from her. Plus, she doesn't KNOW who killed her son. But, if she wasn't home, who did she leave them with? Wouldn't that person then be responsible? Who dropped the ball on this case anyway?
In refreance to the comment.. Tiffini was nwver abusive to her children. Custody was taken from her because they could not figure out who caused Dalton's injuries. Tiffini did tell the detectives that she believed that J.C. murdered Dalton. They are the ones that have not done anything about it. As for her children the state would not place her children with family members because they stated that the family members should have been able to prevent this from happening.
Tiffini has the paperwork showing that she went to the police and told them that J.C. MURDERED her son.... When is the COUNTY or the STATE going to do something in this matter. Everyone is after Tiffini to tell what ever she may or may not be hiding.... Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe she isn't hidding anything that she has told them everything that they have wanted to know???? I guess not since everyone is trying to make her out to be the one that did this to her little boy... She was and is a very loving MOTHER, she charished every minute that she had with her children and even after they were taken she did what she could to keep in them in her heart and in her prayers...
If you go to her home, you will see the last pictures she has of her children hanging on her walls.... That is a mother that I would like to say is my closest friend.....
She is the type of person that goes out of her way to help everyone that she can and is there when you need her the most..
I would not even think twice with leaving my children with her.. She wouldn't hurt her own children and I know that she wouldn't hurt mine..
People need to get to know Tiffini before they start to JUDGE her...
Tiffany had two more kids to that guy after Daltons death. Give me a brake. Actions speak louder than words.
Again people have NO CLUE.. She had one child after Dalton's death... This is what I am talking about... People need to get there facts straight before they all start talking........ She was not wanting anymore children but she got pregnant with her youngest son Sammy... she wasn't trying to replace dalton.. It wasn't that Sammy was a mistake it was a mistake on Tiffini's part...
Know what you are talking about before you all start talking about the whole situation...
Well, thank you for clearing that up then. So she only had one child with that man after Dalton's murder. What was she still doing with the man that she supposedly claims killed her son to have another child with him? Why didn't she leave him? Why are they still friends to this day? And please don't try to say that is not true. They do not make it a secret that they are friends. And as far as I know she has never said he did it. She has always maintained that she didn't know who did it. And that she can not believe that he would. Why don't you get your facts straight? Hell, I don't even know her and I know more than you do.
how could you say sammy was a mistake..no parent dose that..You need help.....children are not asked to be hear they are brought hear from love..you are a sick person. calling ur child a mistake.u should be thankful you got a gift from god that u or someone else took a like tiffi or jc there are people out there that wants babies so bad. if dalton did something so bad why didnt u give him to a loveing family.hear is something to look in to look up when they found dalton in a dirty dipper and a bump on his head and his sister was found at randis raseing.from sidehill road! what a real parent who watches her children she loves so much!
This comment is to the last two people that left comments on here....
To start things off... Tiffini isn't friends with J.C. nor has she had contact with him.. J.C. stopped her in Walmart and yes she spock to him and she also told him to stay away from her and to leave her alone.. He walked his way and she did the same.. She has stated that he is the only one that could have murdered her son and she still stands by that.. In the begining she didn't want to believe that the man that she loved could have done a thing like that... And yes she did state that she never seen him do anything to Dalton but she was also not at the house in the night of question. Yes she did have another child with him... She never meant for it to happen, but it did and that is her mistake... Don't get me wrong there is no mistake in haveing a baby... The mistake was she went back to him.. If you know him or his family you would know that the Marcums are very demanding and they always get what they want..
She knows that, she should haven't gotten together with him but she was depressed and he used that to his advantage.... If you would have just lost your son, and your daughters to the state would you be depressed???? Anyone in their right mind would be!!!!
For the second comment... dalton was never found in a dirty diaper. He was always kept pretty clean unles he was playing out side... He did have a bump on his head, that was from him falling of the couch. He was three and was very active.. Has for his sister being found at Randy's Raisings that is just one HUGE LIE!!!! she was never lost nor was she left alone. Dalton was in the feild with his mother when she turned her back he went through the trees into the neighbors back yard.... Is that what U are trying to refer to??? You all need to get your FACTS straight....
People in this area love to talk and have the time they are talking out their A**!!! They don't know what happened nor do they trully care they are mad at someone so they feel that they can make their lives miserable... Well I am her to tell you that you will not make my life miserable... I am happy and so is Tiffini.... All she wants is the truth... There are people out there that know something and they also know J.C. he told them what happened that night.. But they wont say because he is a Marcum....
Someday the truth will come out and i can't wait to see the look on everyones faces, when they see that Tiffini has been telling them the truth from the start!!!!!
Depression or not, how could she have stayed with a man she was accusing of KILLING HER SON and have another child to him that he could kill, too. Which brings me to this question. How did she lose custody of that child? If she is such a great mom, why was this child taken from her, too?
In refreance to the last comment.
The Child Services told Tiffini, that there was a great chance that she would be able to keep custody of Sammy. She went as far as getting the nursery ready for him to come home..
When Tiffini was in the hospital the state filed a motion to remove Sammy from their care becuase the case of Dalton's Death still was unsolved.. It wasn't that Tiffini was a bad mother or a good mother it was for the safty and peice of mind for all those involved in the matter....
J.C. went to court and stated that Sammy shouldn't be with his family members nor should they be with Tiffini's family members.. Why would you not want your children to be with family members??? That just hits me as being completly wrong... I would have loved to have my children raised by family if I were in the situation..
I for one would be very interested in reading these newspaper articles. Would you please email me directly at mom2zack@peoplepc.com so that I could get the dates to go to the newspaper and pull the articles that you are talking about? thank you! Belinda
Which brings us back to this:
Who ever it is should be ashamed. It is probably a murder case that the Sheriffs department has and they don't have time or people to work on it.
What about the rumors of Tiffany using a wooden spoon or spatula on the kids? Did anyone ever look into that?
She never used a wooden spoon on the children. She had them in the house as a positive renforcement. They were never used on them.
And THIS is why some people should NOT have children. What the hell is wrong with these people and their families? And more importantly what is wrong with Columbiana County's justice system? This is just insane!!! How old are these people? The mother Tiffany and JC?? Is there drugs involved? Were they on welfare? This story is very messed up! What a shame that little boy's precious life had to end this way. And as I said before, some people do not deserve to have children. At least that little boy is in a better place and far away from those crazy parents and psyco families. But I do feel sorry for the other children involved, for they will remember and they will not forget. They will have to be in therapy the rest of their lives!!!
Sooo sad!!
i have seen JC Marcum bet my sister and abuse her dod breaking his leg and noese. i walked in one day and my sister was crying cooking dinner and JC had her cornerd and she had a big red mark on her cheek and she was yelling so i ran in and he had her by her by her throat and punched her in the mouth. i ran in and she had a bloody mouth she was going to throw a pan of hot grease on him so he would let go. i joe walked over and shoved him to gety him of my little sister.JC Marcum is a MONSTER and he ruined my sisters life. i saw my sister at her worst covered in bruses. i was at the point that i was going to shoot him. so i just moved out and every time i called him a baby killer he would go in a rage, and more less took it out on my sister. how could a person treat a person and a dog so badley. he thought he could ruinue my sisters life with his threats which now she is past that and she is not scared to talk about it now. carma is a bitch. SIGNED EMMAS BROUTHER JOE WHO SAW MY SISTER GETTING BEAT BY THIS MONSTER AND WATCHING A POOR DOG WALK ON 3 LEGS FOR OVER A YEAR.
Awww Joe
That is a really sad story.
Why dont you tell it again??
Once again, THIS IS WHY YOUR SISTER SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE. Where is she today? Is she still with JC? What kind of a woman would sit by and let a man do these type of things to her children? What type of family would let these tyoe of things happen? I have NO SYMPATHY for you or your sister or your family. I only have heartache for that tiny little boy Dalton and the pain he suffered, and I am glad that the other children are not with your waste of a sister. I only hope they can grow up in a safe loving home and they can get past their horrifying past.
well to the last person who commented my sister emma dont have kids.she had a dog that he beat.and if she did have kids and he would of done thoes kind of thing to them he would not be here . she has not been with that peace of shit for about 4 years or longer. and she dont want to bring a kid up in this town. SO DONT GET HER CONFUSED WITH THAT LOW LIFE TIFFINIE OR HEATHER his new wife which i have seen her with a nice new black eye. thats heather marcums problem now.
Sorry I was confused about all that.
Just tell me this much...
Exactly why is this scumb bag not in jail? I hope he knows what they do to cowardly so called "men" like him in prison. Something really needs to be done about this case to give that poor child some justice.
How sad!!!
Is this the same JC Marcum that was charged with 2 counts of felonious assult with a firearm in 2002? does anybody know about that??
That is crazy!!
did he do any real "time" for that incident? He threatened to kill his father and let me guess... he got away with it? That is really messed up. What is it going to take to put this pshcho behind bars?? Where is the justice at here??
I think EVERYONE has forgotten that this site is about Dalton and what really happened. This site is not for people to attack each other.
No one has forgotten about that child. We are free to leave our opinions on here and if you dont like it then dont read it.That is what a blog is look it up!!! It is good to get this all out in the open to get a step closer to the truth, who knows maybe there is something new to be brought out, is there something that you are hideing?? Makes me wonder.
If there is something put on here that is wrong...
Belinda can delete it..
But by letting people talk about this and discuss this maybe something new will come out.
And if you dont like it too bad
I think that the truth needs to come out and there needs to be justice for Dalton Springer
I never said that Dalton shouldn't get justice. Of course he should. After reading all the comments it just seems like everyone is all about attacking each other and call people names in stead of sharing whatever truths they may have. If I knew what happened to the little boy I would have spoke up along time ago.
Okay I dont Know have No reson think i am Such a bad person.(emma) I am not!! Jc marcum use to live out the street were i grew up on he livesed on St.clair ave. My fater could not stand that boy. he said he was nothing but trouble later like 2 weeks after that He and 2 of his friends Robbed gilkson on dresdon at gun point and went to jail. i was in my teens when that all happened. but then i was righting to a friend that was in jail needless to say jc was in the same lil cell and was reading my mail well i ran into him at his cousions . I wish i would of never started to hang out with him his own cousin told me what are you thinking your to nice of a person .the friend i was righting to send me a letter saying everything that he was going to do to me well Jc had me fooled . he had me thinking his ex wife did it. he and tiffani still saw each other after that then i said heck with him then he tricked me again. and i was So dumb and when to him! a fool. then he moreless just moved in with me. i moved to a different place bc my brother was liveing with me that is what faily is sopose to do help one n other. so i moved to a different place. then the drugs came in the picture yea i said drugs he got me hooked on drugs! but that is the past i am drug free . which something i am so Pround of myself i got help after he was out of the picture. well Jc started to beet me. people say why didnt your faily do something they tried and i was dum. my mother and aunt wanted to take pictures i Wish i would have left them i dont want your pitty. it got so bad that he allmost killed me yea the cops were called but i was scaried. you have no right saying anything if you were in that place . i lied for him He allways said I will kill your whole family. well i had my sepious he was talking to his Wife at the time because she called my house .that day i got beet with the phone my hand broke and stabed i have scares on my body i have to look at everyday!so then i thought well jc is still talking to tiffain who did it . he broke my dogs nose and leg. oh my god i am not going to lie i thought about killing him. seeing my mother cry when she would come down and pick me up. made me eat because jc would sell anything and everything! I started to talk to tiffani after all i herd about her steeling to support jcs habit. i dont judge people so i started to talk to her well i really dont know what to think. I can tell you my opion i think one is covering up for one in another but 1 thing i learned i will never live a life like that.i made a wrong choice. thank god i did not have any children to him . he deffenaly has problems and yes he did threan to kill his father on fathers day at that because he would not give him money! like a month later he passed away! I should of new REd flag when he own Father said why are you with such a asshole like that he is just going to bring you down. there is this man were matt was working i called him on the ophone and you know how he remembered me bye .. all your that pretty girl that would come down to the plant that would be beet up! but this isnt about me this about getting a little boy who i still have a picture of . but you can judge me if you want but i know how volient jc can be and is. i tried to let the lady who he married but i think its a little to late. but that is what i went threw for allmost 2 years the best thing is was jc going to go to new orealns to work and not come back he got with a girl in texas and allmost killed her and he ran back hear. I stayed because i was fearing for my life! thanks if you read my story.
I knew it. This child lost his life and the scumb that were suppose to be taking care of him were on drugs. If you ask me JC and Tiffiny BOTH need to be locked up. Better yet... DEATH PENALTY for them both. The last thing Ohio needs are two more addicts reproducing and strung out on drugs and stealing and living their lives of crime. What a hand that poor child was dealt!!! Thank god the other children were taken away and I pray that they are in a better place. How can she even sleep at night? She makes me sick.
To the last comment!!!
Tiffini wasn't the one that was on DRUGS!!! JC was the one that was useing the drugs. He threaten Tiffini with her life.. That he needed money to support his habit. She didn't know at the time what type of drugs he was on until she found items in her car and she spoke to her friend Paula and she explained that what she found was used to smoke crack... Tiffini was never exposed to drugs until she meant JC. She never did drugs with him nor would she do something like that. She went to jail for her theft charges and that is why she lost custody of her two youngest children... She still has her prental rights to her oldest daughter Morgan.
Tiffini was and is a great mother. I would leave my children with her and never fear for them... She loves kids and she trully wants to be apart of her childrens lives but she sticking to what the court ordered and she doesn't want to loose any chance that someday in the future that she may be able to see them all again.
So please understand where she is coming from and get all the facts straight before you start accusing people of things that you know nothing about.
well i for one think that she shouldent have any rights to morgen or any child at that. I would never never leave my child with her i know if my child was killed i would be the one trying to find out what happened to him.i would never let it go. i would be the one who trys to orgnize everything like this websight and i would post posters everywhere. and any outher thing that would help the case. so i for one do not think she is a mother at all. if u tak a real good look at the picture at the top of this page u could see a fue bruses on this little child. it makes me wounder about this woman did she have anything to do with it? and does she now anything about it and if she knows something why doesent she come forword?
Tiffiny knew right from wrong. She is just as guilty as he is. She is a poor excuse for a mother and she does not ever deserve to have any or her children back, EVER!! She obviously makes bad decisions and has poor judgement, to hell with her. What kind of a good mother would sit by and let anybody kill her baby and get away with it? Like I said before, give them both the death penalty, I mean why not?? That is what they gave Dalton!!
I just came across this website/blog and I’ve read just about every entry made on this case. First, I’m disappointed the Morning Journal hasn’t kept the public abreast of this story – today is the first day I’ve heard of Dalton.
Second, I have a question for anyone who can answer - If Tiffany is so innocent then where was she the night her son was murdered? What school district did Tiffany and JC attend while ‘attempting’ to grow up? Around what time was Dalton beaten? Something doesn't add up here – where is the stepdad referenced in this story? What city did this murder take place in? Has anyone contacted the Attorney Generals office in Columbus or the Ohio Bureau of Investigation?
I grew up in Columbiana County and after coming across this site - I’m ashamed to say I am from this county. May GOD have mercy on every person in this county – dead or alive!
To answer a few of the questions that the last person asked..
Tiffini was at the pizza place in Glenmore getting pizza for JC. The children were with him most of the day. Tiffini had went to Walmart earlier that day also. The incident happened around 7:30 and 8:00pm. As for the school that they both went to Tiffini graduated from Beaver Local and JC went to East Liverpool. The stepfather that the reports refer to that would be JC. He was Dalton and Morgans stepfather. If people would go and look at all this mess before Tiffini and JC was married you would see that Tiffini was raising her two children very well by herself.. She owned her own place and she was working and she had true freinds. Once she meant JC he swept her off her feet. She was wanting to find someone that would love her and her children. She thought that was JC, that turned out to not be all that true in the end.
If you have any other questions just ask I will be happy to answer them for you..
To True Friend of Tiffini:
You make Tiffini sound like a complete idiot who can't think properly for herself. It is every one elses fault and every one elses responcibility but your friend Tiffini's. She was his mother. She should have been there for him. She wasn't and by the sounds of it, never was. You can shift the blame all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Dalton is dead and either Tiffini or the step dad did it. Either way, both should be blamed. They were the ones responsible for his care. They both killed him no matter what and got away with it.
I say DEATH PENALTY for JC And Tiffiny BOTH
Thats what the gave Dalton so that is what they both deserve, nothing more, nothing less.
Tiffini did what she could for her children and made a wrong choice in who she married.... JC was a women nizer and he is to blame for tiffini loosing what she loved most in this world and that was her children. There isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't think about them and talk about them.. She knows that her mistakes are the reason that she no longer has her children and that is a result of her marriage to JC Marcum...
Tiffini has a person in her life know that wants her to get to the bottom of all this and he is very supportive of her and is there for her. She hasn't had someone that has been there for her like this before. She is now a stronger women and she is FIGHTING to get to the truth.
If you all want to see thing done to solve this case then why is it that everyone is after Tiffini. Why hasn't anyone been going after JC for what he did to Dalton??? Tiffini never put a dirty diaper on Dalton's head!!! That was JC. Jc was pissed that Dalton had an accedint in his underwear that he put them on his head and made him sit on the couch until he knew what he did wrong.. When Tiffini came home and found Dalton like that she went off on JC. They got into a fight and JC started throwing dishes out in the yard as Tiffini took both Dalton and Morgan outside.. Does that sound like the type of person you would want to make mad???
People need to meet Tiffini and they would know just how much she wants to get to the bottom of this too...
The only place I would like to meet Tiffani is the GRAVEYARD, where she belongs. No "mother" would put her children second to any "man". She knew right from wrong. She only was thinking about herself and JC. She made her choices now she has to live with them. She is a poor excuse for a mother!!! She will pay the ultimate price when she meets her maker, she will not be able to make excuses then.
I feel that Tiffini paid the ultimate price when she lost her son. Then all her children was taken from her.... Why does everyone want to make her out to be the bad person??? Tiffini never put a man before her children!!! SHe was raising Morgan and Dalton by herself... She told Morgans dad to get lost because of his drinking and Daltons dad split when he found out that Tiffini was pregnant... Does she sound like the type of person that was putting a man before her children... See this is what I am talking about when people want to talk shit about Tiffini when they don't know the truth behind everything...
You need to know what the HELL you are talking about before you start running your MOUTH!!!
True Friend of Tiffini:
She didn't pay the ultimate price, Dalton did. What the hell are you thinking?
Exactly. The ultimate price?? Are you on drugs too? Im guessing you are! She has paid NO price. That poor baby did though. She is still free to walk the streets and live har pathetic life, and make excuses and have people like you making excuses for her. This whole story makes me SICK.
I agree! And who is tiffany"s friends? What friends? Tiffany stop getting on here writing things like it is some friend!!! your friends are in hell waiting for you!!! you and jc beat that baby!! stop feeling sorry for yourself ! Who cares about you? you should not be anyone's concern!!! And i mean that from the bottom of my heart.I am tired of hearing you didn't know nothing.Bullshit! mother's know everthing about there children and guard them with their own life.If you were a true loving mother then you would be dead!! Because i would have killed him over my son or he would have killed me!!!There is NO!!!EXCUSE!!!I just wish your day would come soon as well as his!! i haven't forgot the piece of shit but you keep getting on here talking bull feeling sorry for yourself!! I wish you no luck in hell either!
What goes around comes around and I do believe that Tiffani and JC will get what they have coming to them, and if not in this life, then in the next. Dalton was an angel on earth and now is truly an angel in heaven. God has a special place for babies and children. He knew no wrong, he was just a baby. He did not deserve the hand that was dealt him, but he shall suffer no more. And Tiffani and JC will both pay for what they did.
Oh! stop running your mouth unless you know what your talking about??? yes Tiffany does and did do drugs.You know what I'm talking about.ask Tiffany why she had to steal from her own family.people on drugs do alot of crazy things she stole from me!!!!! I know what the hell I'm talking about and she has alot to answer for but nothing can bring that little boy back. stop worrying about Tiffany she is a grown woman.She deserves nothing!She shouldn't even be walking the streets and I pray for the day they get charged and would love to see them get life at the very least.Although we all feel they need the death sentence like dalton got. That baby had no choice.That is what makes me sick.People getting on here in her defense????I sure would never leave my child with any of you defending these monsters.I don't even really have words for them.I pray for the children they put upon this earth.I hope she and jc never get the chance to hurt anyone's children again and for the woman that said she would leave her kids with Tifffany.You are completely nuts and I hope this never gets to happen for the childrens shake.You need charged if you do.Lets hope your talking a bunch of bull!! That's like saying you would leave your kids with a convicted child rapist!!! your not very smart you must be related to her!! Start worrying about the children,children need help not grown adults.People need to stand up for our children not support killers!!murders!!!God be with those children.
To HELL with Tiffani and JC. They will get what is coming to them. This whole story makes me sooo SICK. There are soooo many women out there who would love to have healthy children or even just a child PERIOD, but they for what ever reason are unable to. So many people who could have given that child a loving safe home. He really did not deserve this and I just pray that justice will be served.
Tiffany can make all the interviews in the world it wont change the fact that the child is dead and she knew of these beatings. that child had so many old injuries that he had to walk around in pain (continually)!!! everyday that sick piece of **&&^$%@#**beat that baby!!!She acted as tough in the interview it never ever happened! SHE KNOWS IT DID AND LET IT HAPPEN!The interview did nothing for me . She is Still a killer!
To everyine in here!!!!
GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! Tiffini had nothing to do with the MURDER of her little boy.. She loved him with all her heart and soul!!!
Okay. I understand the frustration that everyone is feeling, however, Please watch the language that you put on here. We don't need this to prove the point. Thanks, Belinda
Yeah Tiffini, watch the language please...everyone already knows your a lousy mother!
It breaks my heart to think of all the suffering that little boy had to endure. It is a disgrace to the human race that this is still an unsolved murder. How anyone could live with themself after doing this is way beyond me.
Tiffany your a trash mouth!! This web site is for victims not offenders you need to stay off this site murderer!!!And any of your dope head friends that agree with you.I pray for justice thats all i have to say.
This is not Tiffani. This is a concenered mother who can't believe everyone looked away when this child was being abused. I am allowed to post my opinion and it breaks my heart.
I haven't on here leaving any messagaes in weeks. I am tired of being the one that is being accussed of murdering MY SON!!!! The person that did this is out there and he will be brought to justice. I will make sure of that. He knows what he did and he will get what is coming to him...
So if you all would please stop trying to make me out to be the monster in this case.
I am not the monster!!!
yes you are. you never did a thing to convict him. Or he would be in jail. You upheld him when you were questioned about the murder. you never said one thing against him!! So live with the remarks because there true and you don't want to hear the truth. Stay off the site its for victims and concerned folks that want to truly help the family's and seek justice for those one's that have passed.We don't care to hear from you!! But would love to have been able to hear your son's beautiful voice. But that is only silenced by the evil hand he was dealt.like I said stop feeling sorry for yourself.That's all you every say is stop saying things about you. Boy! Wouldn't it be nice for your son to be alive so we could say things about him.we all wish that's all the kid had to worry about but he's not worrying any more.He's dead! no more worrying about being beaten the pain is no more.God rest he's little soul an angle of god.
Boo Hoo
Would you like a tissue?? Give me a break!! You are a MONSTER. And if not guilty of the crime itself, then guilty by association. You belong in jail to rot. You sat by and let the slime ball beat your child and you did nothing about it. How could you?? Dalton was a BABY. How could you sit by and let JC abuse him? All those injuries! That poor baby suffered so bad! How do you live with yourself? Do you hear his cries at night? Does he haunt you? You must have no conscience. I am so glad that the other children were taked away from you. You will pay for your part of this, if not in this life then in the next. And it couldnt happen to a nicer person!!
I was reading over the interview Tiffian has changed her story so many times. what a pice of crap her and jc belong together. i think they should be both in jail. if she was so concerded why hasnt noone seen her at any of the events? because she is a low life! Both of you will get whats comeing to you Karma you know has it ways . tiffani sure dose have a problem .. STEALING she sold creit cards , she stold checks but tiffani dose not do drugs yea okay come on know .. 1st she was hear then she was hear what a dumb f^&(! get your story stright! just ask jef her EX why they Split up. bc she was talking to jc and Stold Checks! she was teaching class in stenvilee and jc was in her class room tiffian you ARE A lair you lie so much you belive yourself Just like JC! ROtt in Jail.
Well To The Last Comment....
Tiffini did steal credit cards and checks. But the reason she did the things that she did was becouse JC threatened her. She paid for her crime, she was in jail for it. As for her X- Jeff she left him... He was abusive and controlling. Tiffini wanted a better life for herself and she did that by leaving Jeff... She is happy and now she has the means to go after the person that caused the death of her son. She is doing all that she can to help everyone that is helping her.
As for her changing her story that has never happened. She has stated from the begining about her where abouts on the day that Dalton was taken to the hospital. She was the same person that went to the grand jury and testified against JC... So how can you say that she is changing her story or that she didn't go against JC??!!! Thats because you have no clue what went on or what happened. You want to believe what you hear.. Plus the reason behind Tiffini not being at the events. Well lets see could it be because she was working and was unable to be in town the day of the events???? Thats an idea!!!!!
Tiffini has told the truth from day 1... Has JC???? I think NOT!!! He was the down fall of Tiffini's life... Tiffini and her children were very happy and healthy prior to meeting JC!!! If everyone would go and see if they can find anything about Tiffini or her children prior to 8/20/1999. You will see that after that date that is when you start to see, that is when things started happening.. That was the date that Tiffini & JC was married...
Tiffini wants to get to the bottom of everything just like the rest of the county.. She will help in every way that she can.. She has always stuck to her story...
As for JC coming and seeing her in Stubenville. That is funny because she wasn't teaching in Stubenville. That again just goes to show that once again people have no clue what they are talking about!!!!!
So again before you start running your mouth atleast get your facts straight!!!!
You all need to stop making excuses for Tiffani. She is GUILTY of many things, most of all. Her BABY is dead and gone, How can she even sleep at night?? I truly hope that baby HAUNTS her every move. I hope she can hear his screams and cries every wakeing hour and I hope she has nightmares of that poor baby begging for his life. They both need locked up.
To the last comment..
Tiffini does have trouble sleeping. She sleeps with a picture of Dalton beside her and she talks to him everynight and gives him a kiss. She is not a monster.. She is a mother that has lost her oldest son to the hands of a murder. And she has lost her other children to the state. She has to live with the fact that she may never be able to see or talk to her children again... She knows that there isn't any words that will make things easier for anyone. She tries to see the sence in what happened and she still has a hard time accepting that Dalton is gone.
How would you feel???
To whoever is talking for Tiffini:
Did you read her interview at all? You are not talking about the same person. She changes her story several times IN THE INTERVIEW!
Also, I know Belinda and Kim. If I remember right, the reason Tiffini wasn't at the Candle Light Vigil was because she was putting up fence. That is what she told them. Why would they lie about that? She didn't say she was out of town until the interview. Belinda--Kim--Isn't that true?
Guilty of SEVERAL things. If she is not guilty of the MURDER directly, then she is GUILTY indirectly. Either way she needs locked up. I for one am all for the Death Penalty. A mothers job is to PROTECT their children. Any mother would give their own life to save their childs, so tell me why did she not do this? She is a POOR EXCUSE for a mother. Thank God the state took her other children from her and by the grace of God may she never get them back again. Let them grow up in a safe loving home. She has messed their lives up enough. And it is her fault that Dalton is gone, she did nothing to stop it or to prevent it. Like I have said several times, lock them BOTH up, and throw away the key. She is selfish and will get what she deserves and let me tell you it couldnt happen to a nice person.
*It couldnt happen to a NICER person.
You read my mind.
Tiffani and JC
You BOTH need to be locked up. The Death Penalty is too good for you. Do you know what they do to scumb like you in prison? You need to spend the rest of your lives behind bars. How do you sleep at night? Im sure that your "drugs" help. God knows the truth. I hope Dalton haunts your every moment.
May his soul
yea the last comments back Boo hoo tiffani i dont care if something was going on that had to do with my child i would be there not putting up fence for your horses and going to the Fair your not a mother! You Sated that you talk to jcs new wife. why would you want to talk to her? all because you and jc have to get your lies together! but it looks to me everyone is finding out the True pice of Work you are Tiffani. all i think jc killed my son but i am going to talk to him after that . your a real pice of work . Rip Dalton Everyone knows about your story and the pain you went threw.. I know god has you in his arms holding you and seeing what is going on. and you are not Forgotten!and hopefully you will finally Rest in pice the little angel you life was taken bye 1 or 2 pices of craps . god bless you dalton and soon i think you can rest in peace!
To the last comment.. Well I know it is Emma!!!! you can tell by the spelling or better the lack of it. I am here to say that Tiffini was working the day of the vigial for Dalton and yes she may have been putting up fence for her horses. But she didn't find out about the vigial for all the victums until about hour before it was to start....
It would be nice if people would start by knowing what they are talking about before they start running their mouths...
Tiffini did talk to JC's new wife Heather.. Because Heather contacted her first. There isn't nothing wrong with her talking to Heather did you ever think that Tiffini was letting Heather know how JC is???!!!! Probly not you think about yourself and that is about all!!!if you want to help with the case so much then why don't you start putting all your energy into getting JC brought to justice for the MURDER of Dalton!!!???
JC is a murderer and Tiffini let it happen by keeping him around her kids knowing the type of person JC is!
Then after JC murders her son Tiffini spreads her legs once again, like the slut she is and brings another child into this world for them to abuse and neglect!
To The "true friend of Tiffani"
I am thinking that you are on DRUGS too.
You keep making excuses for Tiffani. Just to let you know, no matter how many excuses you make for that low life, the outcome remains the same. DALTON IS DEAD. Can you understand this? And I have come to a conclusion here.
It looks like Childrens Services were investigating before Dalton was murdered, so in my opinion THEY failed Dalton also. If Tiffani and JC were being investigated prior to the beating death, there must have been something going on, perhaps more than we will ever know. But once again you keep getting on here making your excuses, but none of it is going to bring that baby back. And want to talk about spelling? Dont even go there, because your spelling is unreadable. And your hardly make any sense so I am drawing the conclusion that you are on drugs too. I mean, COME ON, you are a "true friend of Tiffani's" Right?? It sounds like you are ALL just a bunch of half baked drug taking child abusing welfare recipitants. So why dont you butt out and go get a life somewhere else. Hop off the "Poor Tiffani" band wagon and join the real world. And see her for the piece of low life that she really is.
True Friend of Tiffani:
If your mind wasn't so clouded by drugs perhaps you could spell right and you could understand that Tiffani is GUILTY. Can you comprehend this?? GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY. If she did not beat Dalton this night, she stood by and let JC do it and let him get away with it. I hope she is haunted by his cries at night. I hope she is never able to sleep again. She doesnt deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us do. She is a WASTE. And she keeps poor company!
humm i am starting to think the true friend of tiffani . well it is her! look her up on myspace thats her name well screan name on there.
I agree, Because I have no clue why anybody would want to be friends with a looser like her.
I just came across this website in search to answers to the death of someone in my family's past and all i have to say is i dont understand why these two people are still alive period! I as a mother and wife will say that if it were me if someone ever hurt my child or children and there was nothing i felt i could do about it and could not be with my other children but knew they were being raised by people who loved them i would kill him and take my own life to solve the problem like killing two birds with one stone.He would die for his sin and i would be able to be with the child i owed my life too for letting this happen to him!
I find it odd that right after two people call Tiffini out accusing her of being the person behind the postings from the 'True Friend of Tiffani' all posts from this supposedly friend just stop...hmmmm...the things that make you go hmmmm.
Tiffini you have to be one of the dumbest people in Columbiana County and thats pretty dumb.
Not only is Tiffani one of the dumbest in Columbiana County but she takes first place for being one of the most ignorant ones too. How could she even dream about calling herself a "mother"? She will pay for what she has done and it couldnt happen to a nicer person!!!
And to the one previous comment, Murder sucicide is NOT the answer it is just the easy way out. They both need to rot in jail spending every moment remembering Dalton and what they did to him or lack thereof. They dont want to come clean with the truth, so lock them BOTH up and throw away the key. Death is too good for either of them. They will surely rot in hell for what they have dont though, no worries!!
Are u kidding have you watched the reality shows about prison lately? There is a reason people become institutionalized because its free room and board and hot meals pretty much all the luxuries of home just in a bigger house and on a schedule! I come from a past that includes losing 3 family members to murder and 2 were young children 1 was Dalton's age and the other only a couple years older and the man who did it has been able to have evrything he had at home,tv,radio,has gotten an education,has had a job and been able to save money.I dont see how that is fair when a child does not get the same chance to do those things.I still have to say they both need to die!!!!!!
There are many more people to blame for Dalton's death besides mom and the step dad. Childrens Services for giving them back to Tiffany in the first place to start with. Why did they return the children to her care? And why isn't any one questioning the people responcible for pressing charges against Tiffany and JC? Why were no charges ever filed against these two? What does the people who are supposed to press charges in Columbiana County have to say in their own defence? Why did they just let these two go? A baby boy is dead, beaten to death, and the ones responcible are free to do as they please.
I for one would like an explanation about that. Maybe you could ask them to look on here and give their comment to explain why they let them get away with murder.
Dalton was failed by MANY!! Exactly why did Children services return the children to this unfit home? And yes, exactly why has there still to this day been NO CHARGES filed? MR. Herron maybe you can answer that question. SOMEBODY needs to. Yes, we all know that Tiffani and JC are BOTH really good LIARS, but come on now. There is a BABY DEAD. And your just going to let them both go because you cant do your job the proper way and figure out who is responsible for this horrific crime? Somebody need to call everyone out on this. Who dropped the ball? I for one would like to know. Something is wrong here that is for sure! The public needs to get involved and let the elected officials know that we WILL NOT tollerate them not doing their jobs. Let them know that we are not happy that they are letting two people get away with murder. If Dalton was one of their family members would his killers still be free? It is cases like this that makes Columbiana County look BAD.
I agree with the last comment!! Is this case still open? Are they still investigating this? Are the just going to let these two go? Does ANYBODY know? I think they should LOCK them BOTH up if neither one of them wants to say who did this. Eventually someone will come clean, afterall "life in prison" is a VERY long time.
yea! I agree I thought that when someone died in your care or in your home the people around them were held responsible. No one else could have done this.so why no charges someone did this crime solve it! If it means arrest them both? If that would have happened in the beginning one of them would have rolled on the other. they need to keep pressure on these two until we get a conviction.please don't let these people get away with murdering this child.
hear is a new one why dont someone interview Jc? see if he changes his story. and as for she tiffani let jc be at daltons services thats another lie. jc and jimmy jackson had to sit in a roon and lesson to the service .i am not sticking up for jc but maybe you should have a interview with him... tiffani thought she was set when she meet jc because of his dad matt marcum who had a amazeing house built and money. but she got fooled.tiffani your a pice of Shit. and you say morgan wants to see you u must be in wonderland!rott your day will come god will get the ones who did this to DALTON! tiffani buy a case of tissues boo who you hoe.who spreads her legs to anything .. is that why you got horses? there has been so many things said around liverpool about you and i think they are true you ARE Sick!
I never thought that I was set by marring JC.. I thought he was the love of my life... I didn't care what his dad had or didn't have for that matter... His dad never cared for me becuz I drove semi and had children at home. Matt thought a womens place was in the home..
As for people saying things about me in Liverpool, Well no-one ever knew mw before I meant JC... Who are you to call a hoe when you are the one that sells sex for money???!!!
I never said that I let JC in to Daltons services... I said that I tried to keep him from being there but I was told that I couldn't becuz it was a public place. Has for JC and Jimmy being at the services, I found out about that later I didn't know that they were even there..
Some day everything will come out and I will be the one that gets to look everyone in the eye and say "I TOLD YOU SO!!!"
You will never get an interview with JC.. He would never let some one corner him and ask him all types of questions... He always has to be in control..
At some point people will see that the truth lies with JC..
Ya by the way... If you know so much about JC and Matt. Did you know that Matt Marcum called my parents houseabout a year ago (or longer). He called and wanted to talk to my dad. See my dad and Matt were pretty good friends. Anyways my mom told him that my dad was out on the road and he wouldn't be back until the weekend. Matt told my mom that he would call back, She asked him what it was about and Matt stayed that he knew what his son did to their grandson. Matt never called back and it was about 7 months later that we heard he had died... it all hits me as very funny. Matt says he knows something and then he dies.. What a world we live in..
Well it will all soon come out and everyone will know the truth..
Dalton is my son and he lives on threw me!!!!!!
Tiffini-you are such a liar-
the marcum family hates you -alwys did-your family are a bunch of fat dirty hogs-that hide the truth from the world-if they are so caring and loving why did they not take your kids from you-you lived right next to them-surely they could see what was going on-maybe your mom killed dalton she is very mean so i hear.why wouldnt your family let childrens services on their property?
I trully think that it is funny, what some people are saying on here.
The things that they are saying about me.... Yes I drive a truck and yes I do like my job. Atleast I am making an honest living at it. I am working for what I have and I am trying to better myself.
The person that posted the lase TWO comments.... I know who you are.... ATLEAST I AM NOT A PHONE SEX OPPERATOR!!!!!!
As for the fire out on Sidehill Road... That was my FATHER'S garage... So again you have no ides what you are talking about... Just like everything else that you think you know you are wrong....
Get a life and start living your own... Stay out of mine and my families...
Like I have said Matt and his family did like my family... My Dad and Matt were freinds for years... So again you are talking out of your ASS!!!
So you need to start researching your information before you try repeating it....
Have a wonderful Life!!!!!
Why are you so obsessed with this blog? Why dont you try this...
Spend some of your time solving the MURDER of your son and less time fighting with these people on here. Who cares what everyone thinks of you? Sure, you are a trashy drug addict and not to mention a murderer. But you do have a job, Right? I mean, forget the one most important job that you were given... You know... The job of caring for your children and protecting them at any and all costs. Yeah, lets hope that you do your truck driving job better than you did your motherly job. If I were you I would not be on here fighting with all these people, I would be spending every waking moment seeing that there was justice for my murdered child. That is unless I had something to do with it. Yeah, that actually makes sence. You have nothing better to do?? As far as I am concerned, you are GUILTY. If not of the crime itself, GUILTY by association. You keept BAD company. And you chose that monster over your very own children and you did not protech them. So, to hell with you. You will get what is coming to you eventually. God will NOT let this go by. I really would NOT want to be in your shoes.
I say have a intveiew with jc or anyone in jcs family. tiffani get a life i have wonderful life. how dose it make you feel that morgan dose not want to see you. but she will talk to jc and children services saw morgan visiting jc she had a great birtday.i know for a fact jc did get a lie dector test in columbus.. instead of dalton enjoying his easter with his family and haveing a belly ache from eatting to much candy but someone took it all away .you enjoyed you easter tiffani not thinkink of your kids. hear is one how about morgan was little she had to wash tiffanis mothers dishes if not that were the beeting came in. rot in hell bitch.karama will get you. happy late easter dalton,whos life got cut short to a young boys from murder! rip dalton
To the last comment:
Ok, so everyone gets that you and Tiffani do NOT like each other. I think that you have made that clear. This blog is for Dalton.
If you have any new inforamation that can help put the murderer or murderers behind bars, come forth with that information. Just stop going back and forth with Tiffani, she is HARDLY worth your time. I really believe that she enjoys all of this. If I were her, I would be spending every bit of my time solving the murder of my child, I would not be on here fight with all these people. But, I really think her sick mind enjoys it. Everybody knows what she is like, and she will PAY for what she has done, If not in this life, then in the next.
yea tiffani and i do not get along! because she is a lyair , i know this site is for dalton . thats why i went and tried to help out of what i knew thats were people get me confused . they make me out like a bad person. tiffani was useing me to find out stufff about the marcum family. i have proof of all that. but yea this site is for dalton tiffani has allways been jelious of me but i agree this site is for dalton. i a sorry to upset you that care but not the monster tiffani
You didnt upset me, Im just saying to you that I really believe that she enjoys all this attention and If I were you I wouldnt waste my time on her, and give her the time of day because she is NOT worth it.
AGREE TIFFANI Wants The Attion but noone cares about you Tiffani.this site is for dalton!
I don't want any attention!!!!!I want the murder of my son put behind bars!! That is all that I want.
Someone said on here that JC needed to be interviewed. I would love to hear what he has to say about the whole issue.
it was stated on here that JC had a lie detector test done. Yes that is true and he left the hospital to have it done. His dad wanted it done, that just makes you think that even his own dad didn't beleive him. We will never know becuz his dad is gone now. Did anyone ever see the results of the test??? NO!! And we prouble will never know what happened during the test.
So if you all feel better about attacking me then have at it. I am a strong person now and I can take it.. People who have nothing better to do with their lives are the one's that are make this about me!!! I know it isn't about me, I am here to tell you that I want this to end and for the guilty party to go to JAIL!!!!
I would NEVER have my children near an abusive person, let alone marry someone like that and let them live in my house. I would know if my child was being abused because it would be obvious they were in pain because Im a attentive mother. And if God forbid anything ever happened to one of my beautiful children and nothing was done about it I would not rest until the killer was found. I would do anything and everything possible to bring attention to my case. I would do many interviews, blogs, webpages, posters,anything and everything. People would know my childs name everywhere. The way I feel is I couldnt live without my babies, to me there would be no point to exist. Thats how I feel. I honestly cant believe that you are doing nothing. Thats unbelievable to me. If you care start doing something, if you ask people will help you.
But you never say who the guilty party is. If it was just you and your husband at home when Dalton was beaten, and it wasn't you, Tiffany, then why don't you ever say "I want to see J.C. put in jail for what murdering my baby!"!!! Why don't you ever say that? You avoid saying he did it. If you are not the guilty party, as you say, then it must be him. You would help your case a lot if you just started saying that. J.C. murdered my Dalton. How hard is that? Unless he didn't do it, and it was you all along and he knows it and is somehow blackmailing you with it. Which is it?
Just my opinion, but maybe they both did it. If she did it then he needs to speak up and say something. If he did it then for Dalton's sake Tiffiani say J C did it. No one would murder my baby and get away with it.
You never answered why you don't say JC did it. Why? I want to believe a mom couldn't kill her baby. I want to believe you didn't. But why don't you openly say JC did it? Why do you protect him? If he did it, why haven't you been saying that all along? I have been trying to defend you, but how can I keep doing that if you keep defending him?
I stumbled upon this site and am quite taken back. What a tagic, tragic lose of a beautiful child!
So many unstable adults making horribly, criminal choices. Were they really that clueless to think their irreponsible choices would not effect the children involved? Who gave them the right to bring children into this environment?Domestic violence, drug abuse, prison time, forgery charges. This was a train wreck just waiting to happen.
Columbiana County list a whole host of help from counseling to drug rehad to anger management and everything in between. Why didn't they feel a need to seek help before this tragedy happened?
Please do not tell me about love. I may not be able to define it but I sure know what love is not. None of the actions taken were anywhere close to what could be defined as "love".
Having children is a privledge, not a right. And with that privledge, comes responsibilty.
The only responisble thing I have read is that the other children were removed from the home and I pray they will have a stable life.
It is easy to see why charges have not been brought against anyone. With such a group of characters, who is telling the truth? I hope someday the Prosecutor's office will be able to untangle this mess and justice will be served.
This beautiful child deserves justice, along with a marker for his grave. Unreal ~ this child doesn't even have a grave marker?
This whole situation is so screwed up. I can't believe that no one has been helped responsible for the MURDER of this child. I would like to know how the mother and father look at themselves in the mirror everyday knowing what they did to him. They both make me sick. I pray that one day (soon) they will both pay the price for murdering Dalton. May his soul rest in peace.
Getting mad because I can't figure out how to post anything but watch out when I do!!
You posted that comment!
Hi! I'm Amy ,J.C.'s sister,. I just learned about this website on Fri. I think that it is great. Justice needs to be served for Dalton and all the others!
For everyone who is defending Tiffini, are u crazy?
Tiffini how many times r u going to change your story? If u didn't believe the story that he fell out of bed, why did u go along with? If u thought my brother had done something u had plenty of oppportunity to do something about it. They would of believed anything u said. He is a Marcum. Nothing u can say can excuse the fact that u got back together with the guy that u blame for murdering your son and u got pregnant by him again.
Tiffini, I know u say u don't remember our conversation on the phone when I overhead the abuse for myself but that conversation will haunt me for the rest of my life. Did u know I had a nervous breakdown because I felt so much guilt over that conversation? U had called me one day. Dalton did something to make u mad. Next thing I know, U were yelling at him and he started crying. U got back on the phone and said u had to go because J.C. had just pulled in. After he died, I felt so guilty that I didn't say anything to anyone about that but I didn't think u were really capable of hurting him. Through the years I kept all this to myself. I was finally pushed over the edge when your parents had the tombstone removed. I started having nightmares. He wanted to know why noone ever stuck up for him. I felt like I deserved to punished. I felt like u were still abusing even after his death, u could have stood up to your parents and had them put that tombstone back. He was your baby, fight for him!!!
On your myspace it says how u r so happy now and noone is holding u back now. Well I guess nooone is u made sure of that!!! How can u ever truly be happy again after losing all your kids?
U said that u watched Andrea all the time for me. Correction--U AND J.C. watched Andrea a few times for me.
Your own sister told me she wouldn't trust u to watch her son. Why?
As far as J.C. goes, your kids loved him. They had no fear of him. It didn't take long before Morgan started calling him Daddy. When they first got put in foster care, she was asking to see J.C. not u.
My brother has made a lot of mistakes in his life. He has done his time in prison. He got out and was still on drugs and yes he did beat Emma up. But his worst mistake was marrying a child abuser. He pays for it every day. We all do. My brother did not hurt your son. He is guilty of a lot of things but I will never believe he is capable of hurting a child.
When u said Dalton pointed to his stomach and said Daddy Boo Boo, well I call that a damn miracle because I never heard him speak a word!!!
In closing, I would like to say that we can all at least applaud Tiffini on getting her tubes tied!!!!
O.K. Hi, This is Amy again. See if u can explain this one to all of your supporters Tiffini because I am puzzled. U claimed in your interview that Dalton pointed to the mark from his surgery and said "daddy boo boo" so u starting thinking something was up then. Well why didn't u do something about it then? Why would u continue to leave the kids alone with J.C. if u suspected something? Why didn't u call children services every time Dalton had a new mark on him? Instead u chose to ignore your baby, and left him alone with an abuser? Wake up people!!! Her stories do not make sense!!!
The EVIL person that you speak of on all these comments is my brother and yes he has had problems in his past but he would never killed a child if my brother abused him then why did dalton love my brother so much? an when i met dalton he had a broken shoulder i was around and emma can just keep her comments to herself dalton was scared of everything and it broke my heart my brother never beat him we all know who did it an that person can burn in hell my brother jc is my hero an he helped raise me an until this day he is one of the greatest people i know dispite of his past yes he was on drugs yes he did go to prison but he did not kill that baby i love you dalton lane springer and you are always in my heart
Wow Now People Are Saying That JC Killed His DAD? Wow..Okay He Was Nowhere Around His Dad When He Passed He Had A Heart Attack And On Top Of That He Drank Everyday Tiffini I Really Can't Believe This I Am Not Gonna Call You Names I Am More Grown Up Than That And YOu Should Really Grow Up.. Every Dog Has His Day And You Will Too Tiffini This Site is for Dalton So Everyone Stop Badmouthin eachother an maybe one day we will know who did this and don't talk about my brother okay he is doing just fine now that tiffini is out of his life
The bottom line is they are both guilty. They both lived in the same house and they both knew what was happening to Dalton. If your brother loved Dalton so much then he should have spoke up and said something, he didn't then and he isn't now so that makes him just as guilty. Who the hell in their right mind would stand by and watch a child being abused and not saying something or do something to protect that child. Both JC and Tiffini are twisted and sick.
Give Dalton make is grave marker!! It makes me sick in my stomach to think that you people took his grave marker. What the hell is wrong with you. Dalton paid the ultimate price and you keep making him pay that price. One day justice will be served for Dalton.
Okay Why am i getting Blammed for things I never said jc hurt those kids! I gave my opion . and yes he did beet me.. thats the past .I wish i could just forget but Well you can not when you have Scares to look at!(and no i dont want ur pitty) I agree they both should be punished!! But I am going to Stand up For myself.. Yea I Got hooked on Drugs when i got with JC but I chose a better Life and I do HAve One! Thats the PAst...I did sit and watch Jc cry about dalton and how he missed his other kids..but i do not know what happned I was not there.. but it is true that jc did get to see his kids.. morgan came to my house and got her birthday gifts. they sat and talked for a few hours.. there are 3 people know what happened jc,tiffani,And GOD and GOd will have his JUdgement DAY!
Rip Dalton
I am having a hard time believing any of the people on here. NO-ONE can get their story straight.
This Emma person says that they both should be punished for what they did?! I do think that she was defending Tiffani before. What mad her shand her mind. I thought they were friends. What did she do to make you change your mind? If you called her your friend then how can you just change sides SO FAST?
I think it was great that JC got to see his kids, but i am not understanding something right. I thought that they only had two children? Please tell me if I am wrong. I was under the impression that the two youngest are his not the oldest. What would give him the right to see her? Who would even let someone that is under the gun about the death of a child let their children be around them?
If it was me I WOULD never let them around my children?
I have heard that the police went to the home that JC and Tiffani shared after the death of Dalton and took items into evidenc. Has any one heard if they found anything that can lead to the killer? I also heard that Tiffani had proof that she wasn't at the house when this ws to happen.. Why hasn't any-one gotten JC to talk? Sounds to me that he is scared...
I read on here that his sisters left blogs. Why don't they get their brother "THAT IS THEIR HERO" to talk to Belinda?? He must be hidding something. That is what I am thinking.
I don't blame Tiffani's family for removing the head stone. I wouldn't want something from his family if I thought that he KILLED my grandson. Dalton was after all THEIR grandson not the Marcum familys!!!
Also have one more question.. If this Amy heard Tiffani yell at Dalton and heard a thoud noise why didn't she (Amy) go to the police???? Why say something now... Sounds to like it is a cover up for her brother..
I will leave you all with these thoughts. Hope someone can answer some of my questions!!!
I pray for JUSTICE for DALTON!!!!!
To clear up a few things for the last comment. Yes I did hear Tiffini abuse Dalton over the phone. Yes, I felt very guilty about keeping it in for so long. I had a nrevous breakdown over this situation. I wanted to be punished. I'm not on here to make anything up. Just to state the facts as I know them. For u to say that u don't blame the Springer's for removing the tombstone, you're just as ignorant as they are!!!
That tombstone came from my mother and step-dad(who couldn't stand J.C.). It's been 8 yrs. where's his tombstone? If anyone else in the family had died, I'm sure they would have one by now.
As far as the kids visiting J.C., Yes, J.C. had a visit with Tiffini's oldest daughter Morgan. Her real Dad has custody of her. She was requesting to see J.C. She didn't want nothing to do with her Tiffini.
Sounds like u already read my blogs but they're on here if your so interested!!!!
Okay i was dum and Belived Tifanis sad story.. then i realized...she was out for her and woried about jc.. jc has step kids which is morgan and dalton.. I am nolonger friends with tifani.. started noticeing her true side when i askedher to go to the candle ligh the 1st one i wnt to.. she wasto bust putting up fence for he horses.. then she would say she saw jc.. and then i realized okay there is stng wrong with her. I am Nolonger friend with her... Pretty much never was her friend ..I did not even know wshe was she was orking at a pizza shop and sent me a meassage on myspace saying i have seen you and made your food a few times.. then a ew days later i went over and i saw who she was.. i was talking about That is wrong what happened to alton then after that i got a meassage fom a guy she was dateing Jeff he asked if i knew were tiffani was. bc she took off.. i told him no.. its like the Story comes up about Dalton she changes hr story.. thats why I am not going to open up my heart to anyone ..but that little boy is in my Heart..
I have to agree with the post... Emma does sound CRAZY... Maybe she needs to seek help!!
As far as the rest of the posters on here. They seem to and understand some if not all of what is going on. Why do people who think they know always want to post things.. Then they get put in their place by the person who knows the real truth...
This is just my thoughts.
Just TO BRING EVERYONE ATTION SINCE Everyone has to no MY BUssiness I do SEEK Help . Because I lived with Someone who Allmost Killed me... SO you Must be Crazy.. when you and i hope you dont have to walk in my shoes when i was with jc getting beet. hey hear is IDEA quit foucasing on me and QUIT Worring about me.. I did not have any Children to Jc as tiffani did and i would have to say THIS WAY HOW DO YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF??? but go ahead say i am Crazy . hey this site is for Families and the victims. not to say all Emma your Crazy...YOu can say i am Crazy but i did not Murder a little boy... so a little advise i am about to say heck with the whole thing it is a great thing that belina and kim dose. tiffani rember your Story and the meassages you sent me because i do have them.. god will have his judment day with who ever murdered dalton.....So hey thanks for saying i am Crazy.. atleast i dont have people talking saying i am a baby killer.. this site is for Dalton not about what jc did to me.. people asked so i told. my story hasnt changed like umm the interview with tiffani.. someone killed your Child or you did and all you worry about is putting up fence for your horses.. ~~~Emma~~~
Dalton I hope your soul is at peace now. We need to remember that this site is to help find Dalton's murder and to help us mourn the death of Dalton. It doesn't matter who dislikes who, this blog isn't for you to fight with other. Let's all grow up and fight together to get justice for Dalton.
Okay lets Set this Stright Someone says i think that emma is crazy and needs to seek help well putthis in your book i do seek help because someone beet me for 2 years..I have so many things wrong with me because of what the monster Jc marcum put me threw.. and alitte something else i do talk to me As u say Crazy doctors well all you have to do is mention jc or tiffanis name and well His comment I bet noo would miss them look what they did to that little baby... and hear i something else tiffani is known hoe ask her about her haveng 3 or more guys!! I wish i would ofjust keptthe folder that I DID turn over to the POlice.. her talking about being with so many guys for Crack for Jc.. tiffani why dont you get fixed so you can not have any more children.. i wish i never evn talked to you. you in your sad story..i should of lessoned to my friends.. how about you saying you are happy know why are you worried about jc.. when he got out the last time he gotout you was out laying in bed with him at norman shelids house.. YOu people canjudge me all you want .. but a little advise you would have peope saying your crazy and need help. if you got beet on everyday.and have to layin a pittsburgh hospital... i hope you dont ever have to ever go threw that it made me sick thiking i was with a murder for 2 years.. Andi was a grown woman and dalton was 3 years old.. that poor baby boy.So my opion is they BOTH sold pay for what they did. I am no takeing sies am telling you what i think.. how would you like to tryto explaine to a know 5 year old what happened aunt mma to the mean man who hit you he was little.. I went to a frinds house and tiffani called my house and left a meassge for jc to call her.. i really went threw it that day the day he beet me preety bad an stapped me. who i have witnesses ur next question all why didnt you put him in jail.. well if you had inthe back o your mind hey his wife is calling and he said he was going to kill my nephew would you tell the cops.. judge me thats fine ..All i know that for my bigest mistake in my life to just imagine what that little boy went threw..and for jc sister Randi i know more then what you think I TOOK your BRothers FOlder that he wanted so bad to St clair police department.. and they were telling me daltons brken bones and i sai please i dont what to hear nomore they were ging threw it nt sure what they found but there were letters pcs So yea whoever can tell jc i did turnit over to the police i will get threated and ican not get any kind of proction order. so this ste is not about me but i am going to post what i want every little bit helps...and if belinda or kim dose not want meto attend the cande light that is fine... I was there last year and i did let people know .. you whoever you are saying i am crazy is not going to keep me away... I do care about and my heart gose out to all e familes.. i metalot of great people... so dalton this blog spot is for you i did not no you but i do have pictures of you so sweet and your life shoud of never should of ended bc of someone murdering you.. may god rest your soul and you get justice. Rip Dalton.
~~Emma~~~ Stick and stones make brake my bones but the things will never hurt me they must get to you because you think i am Crazy maybe but i id not kill a baby and sleep with moreless a prosticein front of your children rot in hell the both of you.thank you.Rember this a site for DALTON not Fighting and saying things about me.wen you dot even know me..ad i going to leave it at that.every dog gets there day!i sure hope it is soon.
This Emma person is very confusing. You keep saying you have all this info on JC and Tiffini but they are both walking around scott free. I am starting to wonder if you have any info at all or are you doing all of this to get attention too. You say Dalton is in your heart then for Dalton's sake speak up with your info.
Tiffani Dalton's Mother: If you believe you are not dirt then tell your storie that you believed happened
on this sight using names. also I would like to know what your parents, sister, and brothers think. Don't lie cause most of us know your storie.
ps tell us the truth it will set you free
Dalton My heart go out to you
okay hear goes i DO NOt want your pitty.. and believe me i went and talked to the right people.. know in stead of me trying to help all i been doing that.. and i am ging to give what i have to Belinda or kim.. and as for me being with that monster jc well YOU dont know what it is alike to have to lie with him.. god gave me the Greatest gift when jc left an Never came back.. i thank god everynight.. just like i say god is there going to be any justice for theses victims poor babis getting Murded! that is Sick. so before you say ths and that you should know what you are talking bout... and agree i hate jc and tiffani look what they did..or shh i wont tell if you dont... so before you say i should give what i know well i am going to... it dose not concern noone but the popper people... and this site is FOR Peole to leave comments... i see some of the comments wow its like trowing salt in a open cut... if it makes you so mad you should not be on hear worrying me help get JUSTICE!~~~Emma~~~
You sound just as crazy as Tiffani. Do us all a favor and find a new past time. Nobody wants to read your crap anymore. Enough is enough.
I have to agree. I think Emma is crazy. She just rambles on and on. It is terrible what happened to Dalton and yet you try to get attention from it. Please get a life and leave this blog to the people who care about Dalton and want justice for him.
lets get something stright! I do not want your Pitty..you people do not know me... if i am such a bad person way before this came about i took things out to daltons grave ..a christmas wreath that someone made for him and what do you know it was gone a few days later.. guess what i am not going nowere... I think some people are getting pissed off.. well i could careless......i am going to tell what i know.. dose it make you that mad.....yea your right this site is for dalton....not me...but i know what jc did to me and so does his family...so before you think you know me... you Dont....i have the right to speak what i want...I do not keep repeating myself so You get a life tiffani...you are a true pice of work....Emma
Dalton i pray everynight fopr justice for you...R.I.P.
(tiffani why dont you quite worring bout your rat looking dogs and go to one of the place belina and kim are at?
EAST LIVERPOOL Deputy coroner says boy died of a head injury
Monday, March 12, 2001
The boy was hurt at home twice before a fatal injury, authorities said.
EAST LIVERPOOL -- A 3-year-old St. Clair Township boy with a history of being hurt at home died of a head injury, the Allegheny County coroner's office determined.
What's unclear is how those injuries occurred, Ken Suchan, a deputy coroner, said today.
Dalton Springer died Nov. 16 in Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, where he was taken Nov. 12 after being hurt at his Sidehill Road home.
The coroner's office determined that blunt force was administered to the boy's head. But they were unable to ascertain how, or with what, Suchan said.
Dalton's mother, Tiffini Marcum, and his stepfather, J.C. Marcum, told authorities the boy fell out of bed, said assistant Columbiana County Prosecutor Tim McNicol.
Neither adult is charged in Dalton's death.
Including the fatal injury in November, Dalton had been treated three times in 2000 for injuries suffered at home, according to the prosecutor's office.
He was treated for a broken arm, which his parents said occurred when he jumped or fell into an entertainment center. Dalton also was hospitalized for a punctured stomach and bruised penis, the result of a fall, his parents told investigators.
you love him so much that he;s Still laying in an unmarked grave!!! PIECE OF SHIT -THATS WHAT U R TIFFINI !!!!!!!
You love and miss him more then anyone Tiffini, then give him a grave marker. You are all talk and no action. You make me sick. You will have a special in hell!!
I been reading what people leave on this web Site. WOW i think people take sides to much....i hope sooner or later just 1 person gets justice!
Hey Anonymous, it is quite possible that both parents are responsible for the death of Dalton. Read the interview on here and read the paper sometime. They both have lied and both have covered for each other. Tiffini takes more heat because she runs her mouth more. Dalton's Monn and Step Dad deserve each other and are two totally messed up people.
Yea I agree with you.. but hear is what i dont get tiffani gets to see her older child there is alot more going on.. i saw some true side of quit of few people people takeing sides... hey news flash bob herron is in charge so why dont everyone get together and show up on the steps of the court house...and see what he think then.. there are to many people going at each other get your anger up and go bitch a bob.then maybe something will be done.. jcs family and hisself has alot of people fooled.... i know how he can sweet talk anyone... So WAKE UP get something together.. instead of just letting people know go higher then the people in Columbina county....Open ur eyes.children are getting abused....then there lives get taken by someone.. how could you live with yours self if you hurt a little boy.. he was young... just learning right from wrong gessh....some of these people on hear wow....may there be justice for you dalton who lays with a un marked grave when u should be playing games haveing fun with your news friends that you meet in school but u are gone.. but now ur never forgotten ....may u rip.
The thing that bothers me is the blame game. JC blames Tiffini, Tiffini blames JC, both of them know what the hell happened to Dalton that night yet neither of them will speak up for that child. He did have a grave marker but Tiffini's parents had it removed. I personally feel that both of them had a hand in killing Dalton. I'm sorry but Tiffini is his mother she should defend Dalton no matter what the cost. If she didn't do it then DON'T LET HIS MURDERER WALK FREE!!!! Speak up and say something for God's sake. Dalton had other family that he never got to meet or know. I pray everyday that he gets the justice he deserves
No one knows what happened to little Dalton except Tiffini and JC. And they cover for each other. That says a lot. Arrest them both. Charge them both. It is the only way. Why can't the police do that?
I agree. The sad truth is the police and the county also failed Dalton. I heard the children were removed a couple of times before Dalton was murdered and then returned to the home, if this is true then children services dropped the ball. They will not roll over on each other. They will go to their graves protecting each other. Tiffin's parents won't even let Dalton have a grave marker, how twisted is that? Yet they all claim to love him and want justice for him. He lays in an unmarked grave. Even in death they find a way to mistreat him. Hopefully one day soon justice will be served and those resposible while be held accountable!!
Here is what I have to say about all of this......
I am not covering for JC.... I DON"T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!
I have told the county and the police all that I know... I went to the grand jury and I told them all what I knew to happen that day and the days leading up to that day....
I do want justice for my son and I will have it...
You never hear anything from JC..... Why do you all think that is??? I feel it is because he knows that if he gets cornered then he may say something that will put him back in jail...
As for the kids being removed before. Yes that is true, but when the court nor the county could find ANY abuse they returned them home.... Not even the doctors could say it was abuse... So if you all want to get to the bottom of everything maybe you need to look towards JC... He is the one that knows what happened to Dalton. And we all know that he isn't talking...
You say there was no proof of abuse in the home and that is why you got your kids back and yet DALTON STILL ENDED UP DEAD!!! EXPLAIN THAT? YOU WERE IN THE HOME HE DIED IN. IF THERE WAS NO ABUSE IN YOUR HOME, WHY DID DALTON END UP DEAD?
I didn't say that there wasn't abuse. I feel that to this day that JC was abusing him.... I never seen him beat Dalton but there was evidence that led to the findings that he was being abused. I was told that the objects that where used wouldn't leave marks on the surface but would leave marks under the skin....
When I would confront JC about a mark he would say that Dalton fell.
When the kids were taken and stayed with my sister and x brother in law, the authorities couldn't say that there was abuse in the home.
That was what I was talking about.
See how easy it is to get answers when people ask the right way.
I am not on here trying to make things look better or worse I just want the truth to be told and the truth to come out about what JC did to MY SON!!!!
Why are you the only one who was being questioned by the county, police and the grand jury?
I have spent days and nights reading and researching this case. People are correct when they say that this is a sad case. My heart really breaks for baby boy Dalton. I find comfort in knowing he is in heaven with the Lord and his Angels and out of any kind of pain he sustained on this earth. Tiffini, you, yourself, stated in your most recent post, that you believe that J.C. Marcum was abusing your son. Why on earth would you leave him with that man. No matter what you did or did not do, that baby looked at you as his "Mommy", his voice, his protector. This so called proof you need as far as the abuse was written on your son in black and blue. How could you not see this, how could you not feel his pain? Just by reading your posts on this site you have absolutely no problem defending yourself from other people's opinions, why couldn't you use that gusto and protect your son the way you do yourself. Do you think that by claiming ignorance you are in the clearing on what happened. If that man did in fact murder your son, in my eyes, you are an accessory to murder. You allowed this to happen to your child. I have 2 children and my son is a year and a half old. Sure, he will get a small bump or bruise as all toddlers do, but I KNOW where every mark came from. If I wasn't there, which is very rare, and I see even a red mark, I want to know what happened. I won't stop asking until I am satisfied with the answer. "Oh, he fell" is no answer, and you accepted it!!! Do you claim ignorance of the speed limit to get out of your many speeding tickets? I bet that doesn't work too well now does it? Justice will come, maybe not today, but it will come, and when it does, the parties involved will pay their dues. Until then, may god bless that baby each and every day and show him the amount of love and care that a child of God deserves. Amen.
U r nothing but a liar!!!! J.C. isn't talking but at least he is not trying to make himself look good by spreading lies.
I still know for a fact that I heard u abuse him over the phone!!!! U were always leaving those kids with my brother!!! My brother loved those kids and they loved him. That was apparent when Morgan wanted to see J.C. after she was in Bill's custody and not you!!!!
Gosh I have heard so many accusations against you, no wander u want to try to cover your ass!!!
I can't say who said them but they came from very reliable sources. That is their choice to come forward and talk. Coming from me it's only hearsay!!!!
I have heard that you got drunk on the night that Dalton died. That children service's were involved with you before J.C. got into the picture.
I have heard that Morgan confessed to someone very reliable what you did to him to cause his injuries but because she couldn't remember the exact days the prosecutor wouldn't listen to her testimony.
Your own sister told me she wouldn't trust u to watch her own kid!!!
You say your not an emotional person? I would say not because it takes a cold-hearted bitch to be with the guy who supposedly killed her kid!!! But really Tiffini you know that's not true.
I know I feel pain and guilt for not saying anything about what I heard over the phone. So I have to ask u how do u go on living as if nothing has happened? Like u said on your myspace you are finally so happy. What about your kids? Just go on living as if they never existed? I know u put on an act sometimes. I mean u have to put forth some effort, just in case u get charged with murder someday.
My whole family still suffers over this. Our pain is real. J.C. is going through counseling so hopefully he can talk about it soon. Right now, he can't handle it. You have taken a lot away from us. I have a niece and nephew that I haven't seen since they were babies. Although, Dalton wasn't blood, he was a part of our family. He was a nephew, a grandson, a cousin and most of all a son. That memory of a little 3-yr old baby boy laying in a casket will haunt us forever!!!!
Luck has been on your side so far!!! But I have to believe that u will be punished somehow in this lifetime!!!!
What if Tiffini is telling the truth? If the truth comes out and Tiffini isn't the one who killed Dalton, will everyone post an apology on here? I read on here that a girl was dating this JC and he beat her and put her in the hospital, so maybe it's possible he beat Dalton that night. I'd hate to believe that his own mother would beat and abuse him and then end up killing him. I just thought I'd throw that out there. I don't know the situation but I thought I'd give another view.
to the last post thank you i did get beet for 2 years from jc marcum...yea people said i dersved it all.. sorry if my spelling is not perfect.noone is perfect!they all have Past.. but if i could forget that 2years that i had to go threw i would but i can not and i will NEVEr ever Forgive him for that. all i said 1 day was you know i am someones daughter and you have kids and i said i hope they meet someone just like you and Jc split my head opened and i bleed for 2 days.. and the famous i fell at the hospital. they knew what was going on. yea people say i am crazy i wonder why.. i had to live with someone who took everything from me. who would not leave me alone ..his words (I will find you and kill you)yea i was scared. i have to get up every day of my life and have to look at the scares on my body from him his day will come.. i am not going to lie i went to johnny appleseed..i stopped by the tent and what i thought i was a pice of crap. they moreless stuck up for jc. all he hasnt did drugs in 11 months he is seeking help.. boy dose he have them fooled.. i have statements from people .but i feel like well who cares... i am a grown woman and i know what JC marcum Put me threw and my dog.. see 1 thing his perious family leaves out all the times he went and begged for money to go buy Crack! but he is a hero in there eyes.they tell peoplebits and pices and my opion if amy herd tiffani abuse dalton why in the hell did she waite solong!all she had a nervious breakdown...but she didnt have to live whit her perious brother jc for 2 years and get beet.amy should tell when he would go up and begg for money to the point she was going to get a restraing order on him.I have know that family for a while .peopel tried to warn me but i did not lesson..yea this site is for Dalton...not for me tiffani jc family if it pisses people of so bad why come on hear the truth must hurt!!! But i do knnow this for a fact why would tiffani want anything to do with Jc ? which she did when he got out of jail.she went to his cousions house and stayed with him. and also stayed with him at a motel in lisbon! and she also called MY HOUSE.and I founf out Jc was taking to her. so there you go they both should be charged.. and i think amy shouold also! for waiteing IF you would of opened your mouth Dalton would be hear!nothing is going to get soved by everyone getting at everyone.. I know what i went threw... i hope noone has to live with that monster Jc who loves to beet on woman.What dose he get out of it?? he can seek all the help he wants.but i think maybe someone should go talk to a few people he was in jail with like freddy elkins. when i was with that pice of shit(jc) my nephews or neices was not alound around me because of him.. so that must be telling something...and why dose jc get so mad and want to kill people when someone calls him a baby killer.. that all i am says if i pissed someone off well i am not lieing about 1 thing. i will take a lie dector test!I hope dalton can rip very soon..~~~Emma~~~
(I dont want your Pitty) I am stronger!then the things you say on hear about me. talk all you want if it makes you fill good whats it going to slove not a dam thing!
I know that you went throught alot with JC. I just want to set a few things straight...
Yes I may have seen JC at his cousins house but I NEVER was a motel with him.... Ionly called the number that he left on my cell phone.... I never gave him the number he got it off of someone!!!
I know that you were beaten by JC and I never douted you about that... You and I were on good terms at one time... I don't know what happened to change that but I would like to know.....
As for JC not using drugs in 11 months well you and I know he will never be able to go that long with out them... They are his life line!!!!
As for Amy hearing me abuse Dalton... I have no clue what she is talking about!!! My children were never abused by my hand..... If no-one wants to beleive that then that is fine I KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS!!!!
I have stated on here many times that if everyone would DEMAND JC to talk may be somethings would come out... But the person that causes all the problems will never talk....
Emma, I am sorry for all that you have and are going through.... I hope that everything works out for you.... Don't worry about the Vaughen's or Marcum's... They only want to make everyone else look bad and take the spot light off of JC!!!!!!!
Emma, that is absolutely not true. We never said that JC is innocent, we never said that he has been clean for 11 months. In fact the whole what? 2 minutes we talked to you, I don't even remember him or Tiffini coming up. You introduced us to your new boyfriend and wanted to buy a shirt. That's it. If you think we treated you like crap, than I am sorry. we were busy and it was nice to see you and you seemed happy. I don't understand why you would try to trash us? We are out there EVERYDAY fighting for Dalton.
First of all, Emma, I told u to quit bringing up your past with J.C. Everybody knows the story by now. It has nothing to do with what happened to Dalton. Yes, He turned to crack after Dalton died. He lost everything. His kids, He was being accused of being the one to kill Dalton. So he chose drugs to try to forget about all that!!!! I can't feel sorry for u because you're the one that chose to stay with him!!!!
Correction to both u Tiffini, J.C. has been clean for about 3 yrs.
Also, Emma I think u were doing drugs right along with J.C., so does that make u a possible child abuser?
Tiffany, I'm not lying about the phone call. U at first yelled at him and then u said hold on a minute. You did something to him to make him cry and then u got back on the phone and said u had to go because J.C. just pulled in.
Funny, how u never remember any of the true things that happened. I will gladly take a lie detector's test. Will you?
Sounds like u and Emma are getting a little bit ticked because u both want J.C. to go down for this so bad!!! Well, guess what he's not!!!!
Don't take it out on Belinda and Kim just because things aren't going you way, Emma!!!! All they want is justice!!!! Justice will be served when Tiffini is behind bars!!!
To the lady who stood up for Tiffini, even if Tiffini is not lying she did not do her job as a mother and protect her children. As she said, she suspected J.C. of abusing the kids but still left them with him!!!
If all you people have all this information, then why isn't Tiffini behind bars? Does Dalton have anyone from his family that actually gives a damn about him? From where I am sitting here reading all this the answer is hell no. Everybody seems to be worried about covering their own asses instead of sticking of for Dalton. Nine years later and still no grave maker, give me a break, yet the Springers love and miss him huh.
I guess people have no clue!!!
Amy, JC was using crack and coke before Daltons death... I found the stuff to smoke it. While we were still in the trailer that I bought before JC and i were ever married... See everybody thinks that I am so bad and I was a terriable mother.... But I was able to take care of my children and never hhad to ask for help... When JC and I got married I quite my job and was staying at home. He was suppost to be the man of the house and bring in the pay check..... He brought in one check a month. How can any family live on 1500 a month!!! But he worked for his dad... So I guess he thought that was ok...
At the time when I noticed marks on Dalton I would ask JC about it and he would say that he fell and hit his leg arm head ect... That is all I ever got from him... Morgan and Dalton hated it when I would go out to play bingo on wensday with my mom.... Because they had to stay with JC.. I always thought that it was because they were mommy's babies... I know different now!!! I wish I would have seen it back then, but I was blind to his ways!!! Everyone that gets with him is blind to his ways!!!!
I have NO clue to what conversation that you speak of!!!! But YES I would take a lie detecor test... I have stated that 9 years ago...
Ask your self this question....
Why if JC wasn't guilty of the death of Dalton... Then why did he leave the DAY that the doctors were going to tell me if he had any brain activity??? He told me and Dalton's dad that he had to go and meet with an attorney that his dad was getting for him.... He told Dalton's dad to take care of me!!! Doesn't that sound alittle funny????
I hadn't spoke to JC until a month after Dalton's funeral.... He never called me to see what was going on or what happened at the hospital... I called his dad and his mother and they all said that they didn't know where he was...
They cover up for him every step of the way...
Just think about these questions and see where they lead you all......
If you thought JC had something to do with Dalton's death why the HELL were you calling him after Dalton's funeral. I would have been relieved that the person who murdered my baby was out of the picture I sure as hell wouldn't be calling his parents to find out where he was. Not only did you try getting in touch with him but you got back together with him and had another child with him. You have no excuse for this Tiffini. You let you and your children down by hanging around JC and continue after Dalton's murder. You don't seem like a stupid person so saying that you believed the "he fell down bullcrap" doesn't cut it. To be honest it seems like you turned a blind eye to Dalton's beatings. He was alittle boy that you had to take care of, ya know like bathing him, you had to know something wasn't right. You had to know that he was being abused. If Dalton didn't have bruises before JC but got them after JC came into the picture then you had to have known something was up. You can honestly say that you thought JC murdered Dalton but then you crawled right back to him and had another baby. Do you have any maternal insticts at all? Why put the rest of your children in danger if this is truely what you believed? I hate to this say but you are talking out of both sides of your mouth and you aren't making any sense.
Funny every time u came around me with the kids and I would ask u what happened to Dalton. How did he get this mark or that mark?, your response was always he fell!!!
So you're saying you knew my brother did drugs and u left him to take care of your kids?
Also you're the one that stated your cousin chased u up the road crying begging u not to leave J.C. with the kids but u did anyways.
U hated being with your kids. Is that why u chose to drive truck for a living, to get away from them for as long as possible?
What about the night u had your little bonfire party? J.C. had to come drag u away from your from because your son was crying out in pain from his shoulder injury. Couldn't miss a good party to take care of your son though, could u?
Sounds to me neither of these two should be in a couple feet of children. Just because you give birth to a child doesn't make you a mother, just because it was your sperm doesn't make you a father. Children are gifts from God. Both of you took that gift and abused it, you deserve to have your children taken from you. It is sickening to know that your family Tiffini is denying Dalton a grave marker, how do you all sleep at night. The truth will come out!!!
After reading this blog I can see where there a people in both Tiffini and JC's family that love Dalton. Each family is trying to defend their own but the bottom line one or maybe even both murdered Dalton. From what I've read both mom and stepdad do drugs, it seems the neither one of them had the children's interest at heart, it is all about them not the kids. You can defend them all you want but both of them know what happened to Dalton that night and neither one of them are speaking up so they BOTH must be guilty. It's pretty messed up that Tiffini's family took the grave marker off of Dalton's grave and her family won't give permissionn for the cadle. You may not like JC but it wasn't him who bought it, I read his family did. You share grandchildren with these people, Dalton was in their lives too so it is possible that they loved him too. Your concern should be Dalton and nothing else!!
This is not wether or not my brother does drugs!!!! This is about who killed Dalton!!!! If my brother is doing drugs now, he has a good way of hiding it because he is not the person he was when he was doing drugs. I know he gets high.
I am on here for Dalton. He deserves justice!!!!. Bottom line is both my J.C. and Tiffini lied the night of his "accident" and said he fell out of bed. They both should of been arrested then.
Why wouldn't they take Morgan's testimony when she told what happened? Just because she couldn't remember exact days? She was only five at the time!!!!
Now I'm sure her head is all screwed up because Tiffini just recently got some visitations with Morgan. It doesn't matter because too many people already heard Morgan's side of the story and how she blamed her mother!!!!
When I first got on this blog sight, it made me sick to read all the people supporting Tiffini, saying what a good mother she was, all the blame being put on my brother.
Everybody's right nobody knows what happened but the people who were in that trailer that night but I'll be damned if I'm going to let people make Tiffini out to be this great, loving mother and people to blame my brother because of drugs!!!!
I still feel in my heart that Tiffany is guilty!!!! If she wasn't she wouldn't be making up lies. She has shown no emotion over losing her kids!!! U put you're kids first no matter what!!! Was bingo that important that she had to leave them crying and upset as she claims with J.C.?
I think it's safe to say that BOTH JC and Tiffini are responsible for Dalton's death. Drugs play an important role in a person's behavior. If JC and Tiffini were doing drugs then only God knows what they were cable of doing. The bottom line is they were both there with Dalton, yet neither one is really saying anything. If JC is innoncent and he and Tiffini are no longer married there is no reason for him not to speak up and tell the truth. They are BOTH still protecting each other and saying the hell with Dalton. For God's sake he was a baby and didn't deserve any of this. They are both guilty. The only person anyone should be defending is Dalton!!
It has not been about Dalton, ever. Not with any of the families. Not with the police. Not with any one. He was abandoned and unloved, no doubt from when he was born. I can't beleive his mother is allowed to see any of her children. She is only doing to make herself look good. Before August of 2008, she did not care about any of the kids. Just herself. And then this organization got wind of this case and all hell has broken loose ever since. Until they got it, NO ONE CARED. The evidence is all over this blog. So now that it looks like Dalton has a whole organization fighting for him, what will be done? Anything? Let's hope so.
Belinda and Kim and some members of the families have been fighting for Dalton. Tiffini and her family keeps putting up road blocks. It seems like the ones who are fighting are having to fight against Tiffini and her mom and dad instead of fighting with them. A grave marker was bought and placed on Dalton's grave and Tiffini's mom and dad had it removed. CCVH has a candle they would like to put on Dalton's grave but Tiffini and her parents won't give them the permission to do so. It is a continual up hill fight against Tiffini and her parents. There are people out there that give a damn about Dalton and try to do their very best to defennd him and make what happened to him known they just have to consitently fight his mom and grandparents to do it.
I can't believe no one has been arrested and charged for this baby's murder. Its seems pretty obivious who murdered Dalton but the county won't do anything about it, why is that? The county takes the children from the mother's home but then give them right back. I guess you could say they dropped the ball on Dalton and the rest of the children. Hopefully one day soon Dalton will get the justice he deserves.
maybe the county did drop the ball for dalton(RIP)but as for the other kids they are in safe loving homes.
I think the only reason the other children are in a safe and loving environment is BECAUSE of what happened to Dalton.
Upon stumbling on to this site I was always curious as to how these two managed to get away with murder, whether directly or indirectly. There is so much evidence of abuse it is sickening. Yet, the two people directly involved remain unpunished. How is this possible? The only conclusion that I can come up with involves a lot of people.
1) The court system failed to do their jobs by permanently removing the children during the first abuse investigation. Ultimately, this would have prevented the death of this loving little boy. 2)The proper steps needed to handle the case and deal with the suspect(s) were not in place. 3) The family (both sides) failed to protect this little boy from the torture he endured. There was evidence of abuse seen by both families involved. A) The children were released to the biological mother's sister on at least one occassion. B) There is speculation that a member of the opposite side of the family (one of the suspect's sister) heard the possibility of abuse take place during a phone conversation and this person failed to be a responsible adult and report it. 4) The biological mother and father failed their duties as parents in caring for this poor little boy and protecting him by keeping him out of harms way. A) A mother knows her child better than anyone. She can sense cues in behavior and demeanor that is often over looked by fathers or other family members. B) A mother can tell simply by looking at her child if there is something wrong or not. Certainly by looking at a child Dalton's age. For example, refusal to have a diaper change repeatedly can indicate signs of abuse at times. A child withdrawn from others can also be a sign of something out of the ordinary. C) The biological father, who ever he is, failed his duties as well. He is responsible as well for the care of his child even if not present in his life, ie. child support and court appointed visitations. If he did not seek the visitations, he is either a complete and irresponsible jerk who doesn't give a damn about a perfect little miracle he created or he was defeated in his attempt. Which, if the case may be he was defeated, apology applies.
Need I remind everyone, especially mothers and fathers, that it is our DUTY to protect the lives of our country's children. For without these innocent children WE HAVE NO FUTURE.
As far as interviews, I have not read nor viewed or listened to any. I have only read articles in newspapers and watched segments from local news stations.
This is a tragic end of a child's life that COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED had the right people grew a set of testicles a spoke up for this poor innocent child. A child does not asked to be brought into a life such as this. A child simply needs to be loved, cared for, and guided to prevent him/her from becoming another waste of air like the suspects directly/indirectly involved.
As for the parents, I know only one of them, the mother (Tiffini). For a short period of time at that. I cannot honestly say that I had witnessed anything similar to abuse in the very short time that I had contact with her.
The step-father I have never met but have heard many things. Some of which are nice and some the opposite. These things however I know no truth, nor can I prove it.
My sole purpose of this post is to remember Dalton, a beautiful 3-year old child which whom I have never been given the opportunity to meet. How tragic to see all of this energy be wasted on arguing and throwing accusations at people with little or no truth to support it.
I will say however, I was given the opportunity to be involved with Morgan (the eldest daughter). She is a bright, beautiful young lady who must have seen some horrific things in her life at such a youthful age. Not to mention, mourning the death of a sibling. Such a tragic thing for a child to endure yet still thrusting forward trying to survive and be happy.
For someone who proclaims there innocense on here for the whole world to see, she can't even raise her head and acknowledge the ones who care for her children. The children she lost through poor neglect and the possibility of abuse.
Wouldn't it bother you to know that the only reason your daughter wants to speak to you is because she feels obligated?
Would it bother you to know that she thinks the only thing you care about is your horses?
What about the fact that it took how long for you to even attempt to contact her? What was so important that you couldn't pull yourself away from to see that your son was being abused? Why couldn't you face it or own up to it?
It appears to me that no one wanted to talk until it was all too late.
What I would like to know is this.
If you are so certain that your husband is guilty, why isnt he behind bars where he belongs?
It seems to me that if you are in love with and live with a man who shares your bed, your home, and assists in the care of your children, you would be able to identify him as the abuser if he was. And if not, or without proof, there is always the gut feeling, mothers intuition, the bond of a mother and child.
If there was nothing there to directly prove he was the abuser then it could only lead two ways. You are in fact the abuser, or the accomplice.
Either way, you are ultimately just as responsible for your children's safety and care.
AS far as bad choices and judgements, yes people make them everyday. What I would like to add to that is the fact that you walk amongst the public with no face or mourning or remorse. Why is that? It is as if you have never lost anything. Or atleast anything you ever cared about.
I have seen first hand, the work of God, it is in the eyes of your daughter Morgan. How could you let something like this happen to Dalton?
I get so sick of reading all of these responses about you and J.C.. I have read them since day one and have grown very tired of all the excuses and accusations. The problem is on here is that people arent asking the right questions. No one person is openly ever going to admit what he or she has done, nor can they apparently prove it. But, know this, someone knows the evil that is confined in the both of you. That person is God. In the end, he will see to it that those involved and guilty will be dealt with accordingly. And that is why I have faith.
To those of you who keep the memory of Dalton alive, I thank you. For without you, Dalton would most likely be forgotten. Lord knows the poor childs family has done every thing they can to stop anything positive coming from this in hopes that it will all blow over and people will forget. That is evidence in itself due to the lack of a headstone on the poor baby's grave, no matter who paid for it. It was done from an act of love and unrightously denied. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
It appears to me that the end result of this event is that there is evidence out there, someone knows a great deal that can help, yet hides or denies it. Is it because there is guilt that goes along with it? Or is it a misguided attempt to protect another? Or an attempt to protect the wrong person, much like the lack of protection of Dalton.
Whatever the case may be, my opinion is that each suspect is responsible for what happened. This little boy endured so much, even after death. Lying in an unmarked grave with barely a visitor. My heart goes out to this poor baby who has been ripped from the arms of what family members he had who genuinely loved and cared for him. My heart goes out to all of the families who have loved someone and endured a loss such as this. Whether solved or unsolved, the nightmare never ends. Yes, justice provides these poor people with closure but not much else. How can there be closure when a life is still lost? The emotions or feelings of love or anger never fade completely. If it were my son, daughter, or loved one who was taken from me. I would make it my personal mission for the remained of my life to see to it that justice was not only served but maintained. Even then, I feel that I would not be able to go on as if everything were okay. My whole world would stop and stand still much like the life on the love one I lost. For that, there is no real closure. Closure is just a nice way to say move on. But no one really does. Who would expect them to?
I would like to address the blog by asking a few questions. If this pattern of abuse was soo evident that social services got involved, why place the children back in the very home the abuse took place?
If the mother feared for her children or her own life, why not flee once the step father was away? Seek help, counseling, shelter?
Why leave the child in the home with someone that the mother not only feared but the children as well? Why leave them with someone you even remotely suspected could be a danger to your own child or any others for that effect?
If the shoe is on the other foot, why didn't the step father be the responsible adult and protect the children?
It breaks my poor heart to hear Morgan speak about her little brother knowing that she was never really given the opportunity to know him the way a sister should. In a round about way, she talks about him as if she feels some responsibility toward him and has failed him. You can sense it in her voice that she wishes she was older, so that she could have been given the chance to protect him. The sisterly urge to protect something she loved so much and losted when she was barely even young enough to remember. This experience seems to leave her to some degree emotionally detached to anyone other than her father. For he is her hero. She exhibits a great love of him and toward him as if he rescued her from the very arms of someone that could harm her. Why do you think that is? Could it be that she knows exactly what happens but has repressed it in order to cope?
Wow, Dalton today is the 10th anniversary of your death!!! The pain still feels as real as if happened yesterday!!! I love you baby boy and will never stop fighting for you!!! Tiffini, it's been 10 yrs., aren't u the least bit ashamed that your son has no grave marker?
Wow, Dalton, today marks the 9th anniversary of your death!!! The pain of losing you feels just as bad as if we lost yesterday!!! I will never forget you!!! I love you!!! You're an angel!!!!
To the Anonymous poster... I could not agree more with you. The CCFHV has heard so many stories and blame slinging back and forth and back and forth, believe me, it gets mind bending. We have and always will side with Dalton. He is all that we care about. There are good questions. Why would Children Services return him to that home? I personally do not know the answer to that one. I have gone over that a hundred times or more and the only thing that I can say is that I do NOT know. I don't know the circumstances because unfortunatly, CCFHV does not get involved in these cases until it is too late. I was not in that house the fateful night Dalton was killed. I do have my own opinion on this but it is not my place to speak them unless it is going to the proper people that may help solve Daltons' murder. I do know that despite the 2 suspects in this case, Dalton did have many family members that loved him. He had people in his family that still mourn his death. You just have to read some of the posts on here to see that. Personally I have talked to these people on several occasions and believe me, it is all they can do to keep this inside. The one constant thing that surrounds this case is ANGER!! I have anger, the families have anger, the public has anger... Someone needs to be held accountable and we hope and pray that if enough people keep Dalton's memory alive, then he will not be forgotten and someone will be charged. I know that I am the forever optimist, but I have learned to love Dalton although I never had the chjance to know him and with his case, just like Mike's, I cannot give up hope.
I read on here that Dalton's grandparents had his tombstone removed. I don't understand this. Why would they do such a thing. Why do they want to keep him in an unmarked grave? I'm sure they wouldn't want to lay in an unmarked grave, that seems disrespectful. Wasn't being beat to death enough? Must he keep being punished?
The Grandmother who removed Dalton's tombstone recently passed away. Lets see if her family decides if she is worthy of a tombstone.
It is too easy to blame Children's Services for letting the children return to an abusive home. I am sure the family had to "prove" themselves so get their kids back. Sadly, even following the correct protocol, they are human and do not have a crystal ball for them to see what is going to happen in the future. Their goal is whenever possible to reunite the children with their families.
The real blame should be focused at who was in the house that night.
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